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Parental Discipline

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Visit a few more schools. My local school is like a zoo! The kids disrespect the teachers, other staff and even visitors. They fight in the school yard and when teachers try to intervene a wall of students blocks them till the fight is over. Girls wearing skirts so far up their backsides it looks as tho their hair band has fallen down, smoking right outside the school and IN the school grounds.

Its a pit!


I've visited loads over the last 25 years.


Almost all of them are respectful, peaceful, purposeful places. The young people in our schools are mostly fantastic.


You should move.

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Nigel Farage revealed that he used to smack his children and said it was important that children had "a little bit of fear of their parents".


Never did me any harm and I always knew if I did things wrong that there was consequences, so I naturally had that in mind before I did owt bad.


Didn't work for Nigel's son Thomas though. He was arrested for being drunk and disorderly at 3.00am.



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This anti-smack comes from the United Nations.

So Britain, Australia, USA, Canada will enact laws about it, and jail a mother who was at her wit's end for one slap.

Meanwhile, many nations will happily vote for it at the UN, and then, in their own tradition, happily flog children, perform unneccessary operations on their genitalia, submit them to rape and prostitution!

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Obviously a clip around the ear or a reasonable smack is not the same as 'hittin' the missus'. Don't confuse the two. Sensibly administered a reasonable smack has its place - the problem lies when individuals cannot draw the line.


Should we therefore ban all smacking? I think that has been debated already.

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