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BEDROCK didn't say they run amok in every school, so you can both be correct. :)


Through experience and hands on Bedrock didn't say the following either.


I've spent most of 2013 in a school.


I've visited loads over the last 25 years.


Personally I tend to plumb for experience rather than the meanderings of a Berk.

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Visit a few more schools. My local school is like a zoo! The kids disrespect the teachers, other staff and even visitors. They fight in the school yard and when teachers try to intervene a wall of students blocks them till the fight is over. Girls wearing skirts so far up their backsides it looks as tho their hair band has fallen down, smoking right outside the school and IN the school grounds.

Its a pit!


I smoked and had my skirt up my arse when I was around 15, it's just what you did, it didn't mean we were bad kids really and we all turned out fine ;)

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Perhaps smacking is ok until the kids are big enough to defend themselves and give their parents a good kicking.


I remember the commons debate about corporal punishment in schools and the MPs all laughed about it due to a humerous anecdote about how the same pupil was getting caned day after day.


Whether things were better with corporal punishment in schools, I'll guess we'll never know. There is no evidence to suggest things would be any better than they are now.

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I sometimes do. It must be difficult contending with your 3 personalities though.


On second thoughts, personality may be the wrong term.


Its very likely that the members constantly accusing others of having multiple accounts are actuality just diverting attention form the fact that they have multiple accounts.

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Nigel Farage revealed that he used to smack his children and said it was important that children had "a little bit of fear of their parents".




I think he is right on, I never believe in pasting your kids and by gum, I had a few when I was playing up as a kid.


Never did me any harm and I always knew if I did things wrong that there was consequences, so I naturally had that in mind before I did owt bad.


But I never believe in bullying kids to make them better human beings, I believe in tough love but in the appropriate way, not making your kids walk on egg shells but do believe they should know who's boss.


So, in 2013, kids run amok in schools, there is no caning or slippers, at homes they rule their guardians, how do we cure this.


Maybe some good old fashioned values, tough love and bit of fear gets the most out of kids to realise their full potential in life.


And at my brothers house yesterday he told his son to stop running around and being over excited. And he did.


---------- Post added 18-12-2013 at 08:58 ----------


Obviously a clip around the ear or a reasonable smack is not the same as 'hittin' the missus'. Don't confuse the two. Sensibly administered a reasonable smack has its place - the problem lies when individuals cannot draw the line.


Should we therefore ban all smacking? I think that has been debated already.


Ah yes, it's perfectly reasonable to use violence on a child, because they're much smaller than an adult. But not on another adult, obviously. :huh:

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