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Parental Discipline

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I was hoping that you'd make it past the first couple of paragraphs.


The document is a very thorough piece of research.


Much more reliable than the testimony of one person with a jaundiced view of schools and teachers.


And is the view of teachers with a different opinion to you also a jaundiced view. You seam very intolerant of other people views.


Teachers report a rise in disruptive behaviour at schools and colleges, which they put down to a "lack of boundaries" at home.


In an Association of Teachers and Lecturers' survey, the majority of educational staff reported a rise in the number of children with emotional, behavioural or mental health problems over the past five years coupled with worsening student behaviour in schools and colleges.


In the survey of 844 education staff, nearly two thirds said there are more children with emotional, behavioural and mental health problems than two years ago.


Staff believe lack of boundaries at home is the main reason for students behaving badly (cited by 79 per cent), followed by behavioural problems (69 per cent), emotional problems (68 per cent), wanting attention from other students (64 per cent), a lack of positive role models at home (61 per cent) and family breakdowns (61 per cent). Also significant were low self-esteem and not valuing education, and a third cited mental health problems.

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Visit a few more schools. My local school is like a zoo! The kids disrespect the teachers, other staff and even visitors. They fight in the school yard and when teachers try to intervene a wall of students blocks them till the fight is over. Girls wearing skirts so far up their backsides it looks as tho their hair band has fallen down, smoking right outside the school and IN the school grounds.

Its a pit!


I don't think so.

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I've spent most of 2013 in a school. The kids haven't run amok.


Your premise is broken.


No its just different methods work with different kids. Its not a one size fits all. I was smacked as a child it never did me any harm. Yet the National Society for the Prevention of Caring for Children seems obsessed with it.


Its these leftie groups that says its child abuse. If smacking works for parents why not. If it doesnt or another method works instead do that. It should be parental and teacher choice.

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No its just different methods work with different kids. Its not a one size fits all. I was smacked as a child it never did me any harm. Yet the National Society for the Prevention of Caring for Children seems obsessed with it.


Its these leftie groups that says its child abuse. If smacking works for parents why not. If it doesnt or another method works instead do that. It should be parental and teacher choice.


That about sums it up, unfortunately some people think we are all the same.

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No its just different methods work with different kids. Its not a one size fits all. I was smacked as a child it never did me any harm. Yet the National Society for the Prevention of Caring for Children seems obsessed with it.


Its these leftie groups that says its child abuse. If smacking works for parents why not. If it doesnt or another method works instead do that. It should be parental and teacher choice.


You'll have to explain to me exactly why you think that hitting children is not physical abuse.

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You'll have to explain to me exactly why you think that hitting children is not physical abuse.


Its clearly is when you read the definition, but it doesn't make it wrong.



Physical abuse is when someone deliberately hurts or injures you. It can include hitting, kicking, hair pulling, beating with objects, throwing and shaking. No one has the right to hurt you in this way.


A slap on the hand to prevent as child touching something that they shouldn't touch is Physical abuse, but it is also a very affective way to teach them not to touch something which could cause them Physical harm.


Emotional Abuse is any behavior that is designed to control and subjugate another human being through the use of fear, humiliation, and verbal or physical assaults. Emotional abuse is any kind of abuse that is emotional rather than physical in nature.


The threat of detention, loss of pocket money or sweats is therefor Emotional Abuse, but it is also a very good way to stop kids from misbehaving.


If we can't use either, that leaves us with no means of punishing bad behavior.


Some people respond better to emotional abuse whilst other respond better to physical abuse, and vise versa.

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Its clearly is when you read the definition, but it doesn't make it wrong.




A slap on the hand to prevent as child touching something that they shouldn't touch is Physical abuse, but it is also a very affective way to teach them not to touch something which could cause them Physical harm.




The threat of detention, loss of pocket money or sweats is therefor Emotional Abuse, but it is also a very good way to stop kids from misbehaving.


If we can't use either, that leaves us with no means of punishing bad behavior.


Some people respond better to emotional abuse whilst other respond better to physical abuse, and vise versa.


If you really want to influence behaviour, positive reinforcement is the single best way.


Punishment rarely works in the long term . Encouragement of acceptable behaviour usually does.

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