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Bomb explodes in N Ireland

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I think the best thing for NI would be to make it an entirely independent state, it's own sovereign country. That way it can go into the future without the constant question of being either part of UK or part of a united Ireland. It's such a binary position they're in which independence could remove them from.


Not sustainable. NI has one of the biggest, if not THE biggest, public sector workforces in the EU.


The current UK subsidy is 12 Billion per year. In no way could they ever match that.

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I think the best thing for NI would be to make it an entirely independent state, it's own sovereign country. That way it can go into the future without the constant question of being either part of UK or part of a united Ireland. It's such a binary position they're in which independence could remove them from.


but the loyalists want to be part of us, not independent Oo

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The political voice of the Provisional IRA is and always has been Sinn Fein. There is a long-standing IRA ceasefire in place. This bombing was the work of dissident republicans.


Yes, I know, I was however responding tho this.


Funny, now try and explain why the IRA is still blowing stuff up and draw that parallel to muslim terrorists. Tell me, how do we (presumably non-terrorists) solve either problem?
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A good project for them all to work together on then :)


Your optimism & hope for the future is heartwarming. :)








Questions for all those who think the Northern Irish problem is religious.


If religion was removed completely from the equation would that be the end of the matter?

Would both sides settle down & live in peace & harmony from that point on?

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