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Bomb explodes in N Ireland

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if you was sat in that resteraunt, or walking past that alley as it went off, it would be exactly the same, you wouldnt know the outcome, youd be terrified for your life


Thats right, but as it stands I have substantially more chance of being killed by Islamic terrorists, than the IRA.

The IRA problem is also solvable politically, but the Islamist problem isn't.

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Correct Mel, I hadn't picked up on this news (been busy watching basketball). The situation in NI is still ridiculous.My wife point blank refuses when I suggest we should go on holiday there, when will they learn that they are hurting themselves only by being pig-headed over this ancient argument.
That's a shame, does she worry about travelling to any other places where a potential terrorist attack might be a threat, or is just Northern Ireland?

The world is a dangerous place and International terrorist groups are just about everywhere, if we worried about that threat too much we wouldn't go anywhere.

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were all more likely to get hit by a bus than any terrorist activity, and both can be solved politically, irish terrorism WAS solved politically but this shows some just dont want it no matter what


Go on then, enlighten us, how do we appease Islamist terrorists.

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That's not a clue to the question.


I agree, Muslims terrorists go for maximum casualties, whilst the IRA mostly give a warning to minimise casualties.


---------- Post added 14-12-2013 at 19:23 ----------



But which group pose the biggest risk today, when the IRA was the biggest threat they were the terrorists being talked about, now it Muslim terrorists.


Funny, now try and explain why the IRA is still blowing stuff up and draw that parallel to muslim terrorists. Tell me, how do we (presumably non-terrorists) solve either problem?

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Funny, now try and explain why the IRA is still blowing stuff up and draw that parallel to muslim terrorists. Tell me, how do we (presumably non-terrorists) solve either problem?


There is no parallel to be had there.


You claimed the IRA has been far more active against UK targets than Islamists. Your evidence was a link to a timeline of attacks/foiled attacks by Republicans going back to March 2009.


In the absence of a corresponding list of Islamic attacks or attempts for the same period, I'd say it's a claim you've failed to prove.

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Funny, now try and explain why the IRA is still blowing stuff up and draw that parallel to muslim terrorists. Tell me, how do we (presumably non-terrorists) solve either problem?


There isn't a parallel to draw they are killing for entirely different reasons, giving the IRA a political voice would help solve that problem, giving the Islamist a political voice would make matter worse, give them an inch and they will want a mile.

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Boy there are some strange views on here.


Firstly religion is incidental. Yes most Nationalists are Catholic & most Protestants are Unionist.

But that is not what it's about, no one is attempting to convert anyone, it's a relatively minor part of the problem.


There are many instances of 'crossover' & the Nationalist side in particular is not overly sectarian.


The IRA hold a commemoration at Brookborough every year in honour of Wolfe Tone a hero to all Nationalists. Wolf Tone was a protestant.


The Sam Maguire cup is awarded every year to the All Ireland Gaelic Football champions.

Sam Maguire was the man who recruited the legendary Michael Collins into the IRA & was his chief intelligence officer in London during the war of independence.

Sam Maguire was a protestant.


Nationalists don't care about your religion they care about your allegiance.


In fairness Unionists, or at least some of them, are not anti Catholic in that they aren't particularly biased against Polish or Spanish Catholics it's just Irish Catholics they hate.


It's not religion it's politics.


An earlier poster mentioned democracy. Northern Ireland & Democracy are an oxymoron. The Province was formed by gerrymandering a false majority in order to ensure Unionist power.

They refer to it as Ulster, there are nine counties in Ulster, only six in the Province. They call it Northern Ireland, if you stand in the most northerly place in Ireland you are stood in the vicinity of Malin Head which is in the Province of Ulster & the Republic of Ireland.


Once they were guaranteed power by the 'fiddle', all the Unionist majority had to do was treat the Nationalists fairly, they were not capable of doing so. Instead they discriminated in terms of jobs, housing, education & political input.

This lead to the civil rights protests which were viciously attacked by the RUC & B specials & it all kicked off.

The IRA were virtually non existent at that point but reformed in order to protect their community.


The Anglo-Irish agreement has decided the issue. Unfortunately it will probably take anything up to 40 or 50 years but a United Ireland is now inevitable.


Until the signing of that agreement the IRA had an argument for their existence. It no longer applies, the current actions are being carried out by non IRA dissident groups who lack the patience to allow the political solution to resolve itself.


The dissident groups are totally in the wrong, whereas in the past there was injustice there is now a political solution.


Ireland will be United because of demographics, the older population is mainly Unionist the younger population Nationalist. In 2020 9if things continue as at present Nationalists will be in the majority. It will not happen immediately after that but after a few years.


Ireland will also be United because Britain wants rid. Northern Ireland is a Political, Moral & Financial embarrassment to the UK.


The present subsidy is £12 Billion a year & we can no longer afford it.

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Boy there are some strange views on here.


Firstly religion is incidental. Yes most Nationalists are Catholic & most Protestants are Unionist.

But that is not what it's about, no one is attempting to convert anyone, it's a relatively minor part of the problem.


There are many instances of 'crossover' & the Nationalist side in particular is not overly sectarian.


The IRA hold a commemoration at Brookborough every year in honour of Wolfe Tone a hero to all Nationalists. Wolf Tone was a protestant.


The Sam Maguire cup is awarded every year to the All Ireland Gaelic Football champions.

Sam Maguire was the man who recruited the legendary Michael Collins into the IRA & was his chief intelligence officer in London during the war of independence.

Sam Maguire was a protestant.


Nationalists don't care about your religion they care about your allegiance.


In fairness Unionists, or at least some of them, are not anti Catholic in that they aren't particularly biased against Polish or Spanish Catholics it's just Irish Catholics they hate.


It's not religion it's politics.


An earlier poster mentioned democracy. Northern Ireland & Democracy are an oxymoron. The Province was formed by gerrymandering a false majority in order to ensure Unionist power.

They refer to it as Ulster, there are nine counties in Ulster, only six in the Province. They call it Northern Ireland, if you stand in the most northerly place in Ireland you are stood in the vicinity of Malin Head which is in the Province of Ulster & the Republic of Ireland.


Once they were guaranteed power by the 'fiddle', all the Unionist majority had to do was treat the Nationalists fairly, they were not capable of doing so. Instead they discriminated in terms of jobs, housing, education & political input.

This lead to the civil rights protests which were viciously attacked by the RUC & B specials & it all kicked off.

The IRA were virtually non existent at that point but reformed in order to protect their community.


The Anglo-Irish agreement has decided the issue. Unfortunately it will probably take anything up to 40 or 50 years but a United Ireland is now inevitable.


Until the signing of that agreement the IRA had an argument for their existence. It no longer applies, the current actions are being carried out by non IRA dissident groups who lack the patience to allow the political solution to resolve itself.


The dissident groups are totally in the wrong, whereas in the past there was injustice there is now a political solution.


Ireland will be United because of demographics, the older population is mainly Unionist the younger population Nationalist. In 2020 9if things continue as at present Nationalists will be in the majority. It will not happen immediately after that but after a few years.


Ireland will also be United because Britain wants rid. Northern Ireland is a Political, Moral & Financial embarrassment to the UK.


The present subsidy is £12 Billion a year & we can no longer afford it.


Well done! you've presented a clear and detailed account about something a lot of people have limited knowledge about.

Yet its a part of British of history, so one has to question why?

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