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It is getting ever so near to that festive night

The tree outstanding with its colorful lights

Under the tree the presents are mounting

So many Christmas cards, so tired of counting,

My little boy gave me a letter he had wrote

Dear Santa I just write a short note

For this year I have been especially good

I have helped mum and dad whenever I could,

So if you come to our house on Christmas Eve,

Just one or two presents I ask you to leave,

I know that there are lots of little girls and boys

Some of which don’t have any toys

As you know that I have quite a few

That’s why I only need a present or two

Nothing special just something to open

Mum needs an iron as her old ones broken

Anything Santa I really don’t mind

I will be happy with whatever I find

Oh yes Santa we live at number twenty eight

It’s the one with beware of the dog on the gate.

But he doesn't really, really bite,

Got to go now Santa, so I say goodnight.


johnsbucket 14/12/13

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