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*New!! Beginners/improvers Bellydance classes

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Are you thinking of starting a new class - learning a new dance style?

Want to choose a new years resolution that will fight the festive flab and make you feel confident and happy?

Belly dancing is becoming more and more popular and you only need to attend a class to see how addictive it is.

Any size or shape can attend, although please note the class isn't suitable for under 16's - but you can be as old as you like! (one of my best students was in her 70's!). And you don't have to show your belly in class.


For fully details visit my website; www.halimasagira.com

any questions please email Halima.Sagira@gmail.com - i'd love to hear from you!


See below;


Belly Dance Lessons with Halima Sagira


***Please note – Classes start from 6th January 2014!!!!***


Regular weekly classes are held at;


The Fitness Club Central

94 Surrey Street


S1 2LG


Mondays: 7.00pm – 8.00pm Tribal Fusion Style Belly dance

A mixed level class suitable for the complete beginner & beginners/improvers; keep fit, tone up and learn belly dance moves in a fun environment.


This class runs on a regular weekly basis and you’re welcome to drop in anytime.


However I generally run the class like a course, building on the moves that have been taught in previous weeks and learning a little combination of moves which will eventually build into something that can be performed at what we call a Hafla (dance party).


I find that the best way to learn moves and get them into your muscle memory is to drill them, so I have created fun little drills to use. This makes this class a great way to keep fit, tone up and also great for experienced dancers to use as a weekly drilling practice.


I try to provide differentiation in my classes so that beginners are comfortable and improvers are still developing and being challenged (if they want to!).


**Please note – although this class is aimed at beginners, I do welcome intermediate dancers and will make a point of arranging guest advanced teachers to come and teach a more intermediate class every now and then.



Monday: 8.00pm – 9.00pm American Tribal Style® Belly dance


Improvised group bellydance. Learn the moves for this documented format. Practice both slow & fast format & zills. suitable for the complete beginners & those already familiar with ATS®.


This class will run like a revolving course where we will cover the basic moves of ATS® – the foundational groundwork needed to be able to join in with all those lovely ATS® tribal girls at the haflas dancing at the free dance at the end. As well as continually teaching the basics to make sure that everyone is comfortable with them, I will introduce variations on the basics and more advanced moves each week.


We will play with different formations, practice changing the leader and ‘turning the wheel’, fades, chorus lines, etc.


There will also be a chance to develop your finger cymbal / zill technique with each lesson.


Suitable for complete beginners, though students are encouraged to come to each class each week as new moves will be introduced each week and drilled. I am happy to go over a breakdown of any moves that the students have missed so that they can catch up, however not too much time will be set aside for this as it would be unfair to those who come each week and are eager to have more time to learn the next move.


This class will consist of some slow moves to start and then some faster moves. Due to the fact that we spend the majority of the class dancing, this can end up being quite a work out! Please bring water with you to stay hydrated.


Price per lesson; drop in: £5 (£4 for Fitness Club members)

Price per lesson; block booking of 5 lessons: £4 =£20 per block

(£3 for Fitness Club members = £15 per block)

Discount price for attending both lessons back to back; £7 (£6 for Fitness Club members).


***Note: You do not need to be a member of the Fitness Club in order to attend classes***


-Given the nature of the lessons and the fact that I will build on the moves learnt each week; it is in a student’s best interest to come to regular lessons. Therefore I have provided a discount for those who want to commit to regular lessons.


Also, I would like to encourage my Tribal fusion students to learn American Tribal Style® & visa versa. So I decided to make it even cheaper for my Students to take both classes at once. This also means that if you’re unable to commit to a block of 5 lessons; you can still save money on the drop in price by taking 2 lessons for a cheaper price.


---------- Post added 21-12-2013 at 22:53 ----------


New classes....(already!:D) - intermediate classes added - now on Tuesdays as well as Mondays; (full details are on my website; http://www.halimasagira.com)


Classes Over view;


Mondays ; 7:00pm – 8:00pm Beginners Tribal Fusion Belly dance

8:00pm – 9:00pm Level 1 American Tribal Style®

(at the Fitness Club – Sheffield Town Centre)


Tuesdays; 8:00pm – 9:30pm Level 2 American Tribal Style®

(at The Burton Street Foundation – Sports Hall)


*Please note – Classes begin at the fitness Centre on 6th January 2014

& classes begin at the Drama Studio on 1st April 2014.


Any questions about classes please send me an email; halima.sagira@gmail.com

You do not need to be a member of the fitness club to come to the lessons there.


Dates for your Diary;


Tuesday 17th June & Monday 23rd June & Tuesday 24th June – There will be no classes on these dates as I am in Essex training under FCBD® General Skills and Teacher Training certifications.



Thank you for reading!!! Please pass on to anyone you know who might be interested.

Edited by HalimaSagira
class location & start date changed
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello dancers!!!!!


Class starts tomorrow!


Please remember to arrive at least 10 mins early so i can take register and new people can fill out a short PARQ form etc, so we can get started on time.


remember to bring water to stay hydrated and wear comfortable clothing for movement (the type of thing you'd wear to a yoga class)


you don't have to get your belly out and you can dance barefoot or with dance shoes if you have them (i just dance barefoot).


no need for a yoga mat for the beginners classes, bring zills / finger cymbals if you have them for the American Tribal Style bellydance classes. I have a limited number of spare zills to lend out to those that haven't yet got their own.


looking forward to seeing you there!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Tuesday night intermediate American Tribal Style classes have changed to the Burton Street Foundation Sports hall at 8pm. *** starting from 1st April 2014***

Cost ; £6 for 90mins.


Monday night lessons are going well - £7 for 2 hours (tribal fusion & American tribal style beginners / mixed level).


any questions let me know!

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  • 5 months later...

just a quick update; classes are still continuing on Monday nights at the fitness club;


Mondays ; 7:00pm – 8:00pm Beginners Tribal Fusion Belly dance

8:00pm – 9:00pm Level 1 American Tribal Style®

(at the Fitness Club – Sheffield Town Centre)


they're £5 each or you can take both classes back to back for £7.

(Tuesday nights have finished)



I also have some summer school workshops running;


Tsukiko Tribal – a FCBD® Sister Studio presents….ATS® Summer School!


Sunday 17th August 2014

ATS® Summer School – Fast Track Basic Movements

15.00 – 18.00 (3hrs) £20


This 3 hour workshop will take you through every move we learn in the weekly Monday night classes with Halima Sagira. This is the perfect workshop for those who have never done American Tribal Style® before and want to take part in the “next steps” workshops. It is also ideal for those in the regular Monday night classes who want to recap all the moves before we move on to “the next steps”.


The moves we will hope to cover in these 3 hours are as follows;


Slow Format;

Puja (moving medication), Hand Floreos & Arm movements, Taxeem & Reverse Taxeem, The slow pivot turn, reverse turn, arm undulations, Ribcage rotation, circle step, cork screw turn, propeller turn, the pulse turn.


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Fast Format;

Arabic, Egyptian, Egyptian half turn, Shimmy step, Pivot bump, choo choo, Single bump, Double bump, Arc arm turn, Reach and sit, Gawazee shimmy, Shoulder Shimmy hip drop combo, Turkish Shimmy, Turkish Shimmy half turn, Turkish Shimmy quarter turn.


We will attempt to cover as many if not all of the above moves in just 3 hours; so this workshop is action packed and full of information. If you’re following the format as taught by FatChance BellyDance® – you’ll notice that some of the moves listed above are considered by FCBD® to be level 2 / level 3 moves. Although we learn the moves as they are taught in the specific ATS® way – Halima Sagira has selected some of the more easy-to-learn level 2 / 3 moves to be part of our “basic movements” classes.


We’ll have alot of work to do in just 3 hours, so bring water, and enthusiasm. No need for note pad and pen as I will provide workshop notes with a proper breakdown of each move we cover. You’re welcome to bring your zills for the final drill of the day if you would like to play along too.


ATS purple 4ATS Barrel Turn (2)


Sunday 24th August 2014

ATS® Summer school Day of Dance – Fast Track “The Next Steps” Part 1

14.00 – 16.00 and then 16.45 – 18.45

(4hrs ; separated by a 45min lunch break £30; £15 per workshop)


“The Next Steps” part 1 ‘Learn’


This 2 hour workshop will take you through the first part of our American Tribal Style® “The Next Steps” moves. We’ll cover both slow and fast moves in this ‘learn’ section before moving on to a drill section after lunch. It is not essential for you to have completed “basic movements” before taking this workshop, however it can help to have a back ground knowledge in the ATS® format and essential basics such as arm positioning, performance angle, and the concept of leaders and followers.


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This workshop will be action packed and full of information. In the ‘learn’ section of the day Halima Sagira will break down in detail various slow moves and fast moves so that they can be understood and executed correctly. If you’re following the format as taught by FatChance BellyDance® – this 2 part workshop series; over 2 Sundays; will cover moves from level 1,2 and 3 of the FCBD® format. http://fcbd.com/instruction/class-format/


We’ll have alot of work to do in just 2 hours, so bring water, and enthusiasm. Please also bring your zills for the drill section. (a limited supply of spare zills will be available on the day for those who haven’t yet got their own pair).


“the next steps” part 1 ‘Drill’

You’ve learnt the moves, now its time to drill!

We will drill all the moves covered in the ‘learn’ section and cover various different formations including duets, trios, flock of birds, chorus line and turning the wheel to change leader.

You’ll have a chance to be the leader and the follower and by the end of this section you should feel confident that you can perform leader changes and formation changes ready for your next ATS® performance!

We will also cover zills (finger cymbals) in this drill section.

We will go over the longa (triplets) pattern, the military (3,3,7) pattern, the 3,5,5, pattern and the baladi pattern (3,1,3,1,3).

After learning the patterns we will drill these with the moves we have learnt, coupled with the moves from “basic movements” and in various formations.


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The ‘Drill’ section will put all our hard work in the ‘learn’ section to good use so we can have FUN dancing together! Please bring a yoga mat for the cool down section at the end of our 4 hours of dancing.


ATS purple 8ATS Love my Zills (3)


Sunday 31st August 2014

ATS® Summer school Day of Dance – Fast Track “The Next Steps” Part 2

14.00 – 16.00 and then 16.45 – 18.45

(4hrs ; separated by a 45min lunch break £30; £15 per workshop)


“The Next Steps” part 2 ‘Learn’


This 2 hour workshop will take you through the second part of our American Tribal Style® “the next steps” moves. We’ll cover both slow and fast moves in this ‘learn’ section before moving on to a drill section after lunch. It is not essential for you to have completed “Basic Movements” or the first of our 2 part series, before taking this workshop, however it can help to have a back ground knowledge in the ATS® format and essential basics such as arm positioning, performance angle, and the concept of leaders and followers.


This workshop will be action packed and full of information. In the ‘learn’ section of the day Halima Sagira will break down in detail various slow moves and fast moves so that they can be understood and executed correctly. If you’re following the format as taught by FatChance BellyDance® – this 2 part workshop series; over 2 Sundays; will cover moves from level 1,2 and 3 of the FCBD® format. http://fcbd.com/instruction/class-format/


We’ll have alot of work to do in just 2 hours, so bring water, and enthusiasm. Please also bring your zills for the drill section. (a limited supply of spare zills will be available on the day for those who haven’t yet got their own pair).


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“The Next Steps” part 2 ‘Drill’

You’ve learnt the moves, now its time to drill!

We will drill all the moves covered in the ‘learn’ section for both today’s workshop and the previous Sunday’s workshop and cover various different formations including duets, trios, flock of birds, chorus line and turning the wheel to change leader.

You’ll have a chance to be the leader and the follower and by the end of this section you should feel confident that you can perform leader changes and formation changes ready for your next ATS® performance!

We will also cover zills (finger cymbals) in this drill section.

We will refresh our memories on the longa (triplets) pattern, the military (3,3,7) pattern, the 3,5,5, pattern and the baladi pattern (3,1,3,1,3).

After learning the patterns we will drill these with the moves we have learnt, coupled with the moves from “basic movements” and in various formations.


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The ‘Drill’ section will put all our hard work in the ‘learn’ section to good use so we can have FUN dancing together! Please bring a yoga mat for the cool down section at the end of our 4 hours of dancing.


ATS in the forest (3)


Please note; You can choose to take all or just some of these workshops, they have been designed so that you can pick and choose which you’d like to take part in but obviously dancers would mostly benefit from taking both the learn & the drill workshops together so that they can solidify what they have learnt.

Workshop Location;

Nycha Dance Studio 1


3 Edgedale Road, Sheffield, S7 2BQ

Just off Abbeydale rd, near Carterknowle Rd.





To book - the webpage is; http://halimasagira.com/?page_id=295



thank you x

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  • 2 months later...

Hello there - my apologies but I thought I had updated this thread (obviously not).


Due to a shoulder injury I have had to stop teaching for a little while (hoping to return to classes in the new year).


However my friend and very talented dancer Tasmin Leona has taken over my classes and teaches Tribal fusion in an open level class which she provides options for beginners and challenges for intermediates.


her classes have been switched to Fridays instead of Mondays and they run 6.30pm - 8pm and are £7.


same venue - the fitness club in town centre of sheffield.


---------- Post added 29-09-2014 at 10:15 ----------


and you're very welcome to drop in xx

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