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Food Hygiene on TV

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I love watching all sorts of cookery shows on TV and find myself drawn to the more continental styles of cooking.


But when viewing these cooks and chefs preparing and cooking food, they generally have little food hygiene awareness.


I mean, people not washing their hands after handling meat, people using the same knives from one thing to another, guests handling food without sterilising themselves, people using same chopping boards, mess and oil everywhere and most of all, preparing food in rooms filled with people, cameras and studio audiences which can cross contaminate anything from passing bugs on to bodily odours and saliva.


I also believe that public restaurants and cafes that have free tester plates, it really is a health risk to begin with, food being handled by numerous strangers who have probably been to the bog and not washed their mitts and people standing in malls with trays of food that could have been the previous days leftovers, I could go on.


So, does anyone else have strong views on food glorious food !!!

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You are spot on about food hygiene. I wonder if the food they cook on TV shows just ends up in the bin? I never touch open bowls of nuts etc in pubs. My bugbear ;) is door entry keypads, and keyboards at work, which rarely get cleaned. Also handrails on buses, which I avoid touching. Might avoid the flu or TB but end up breaking my neck instead.

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You are spot on about food hygiene. I wonder if the food they cook on TV shows just ends up in the bin? I never touch open bowls of nuts etc in pubs. My bugbear ;) is door entry keypads, and keyboards at work, which rarely get cleaned. Also handrails on buses, which I avoid touching. Might avoid the flu or TB but end up breaking my neck instead.


I'm so anal this time of year - sometimes to the point of not leaving a public bathroom until somebody else is leaving and I can slipstream out with them without touching the door handles.


Ps - a public health report claimed a few years ago that if you've showered within the last half a day and you go for a wee in a public bathroom you're at a lower risk of picking up a bug onto your hands if you just zip up and leave than if you touch the soap dispenser / taps to wash yr hands. Roll on infrared products, I say.

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I've noticed this a lot on Saturday kitchen. They'll pay lip service to hygiene because they know people are watching but usually their efforts are cleaning involve dangling their hands under cold water for a nanosecond or wiping their hands on a tea-towel or cloth that they invariably then use to wipe the plate.


I'm not a hygiene nazi when it comes to cooking, most of us who grew up in the 70's know that a bit of muck won't do you much harm but certain things such as cross contamination of raw poultry can have everyone down the hospital or phoning Ralph on the big white telephone.

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Think you will find most shows are done over several takes. They are well aware of the food hygiene issues because they get complaints. If you have evidence of them contravening the rules then best report them, but get your facts right first.




I seem to recall there being some comments when the two fat ladies were on the go about them wearing rings and nail polish while cooking.


and some of the places kieth flloyd cooked were a bit odd, though I imagine there were enough alcohol fumes floating around to sterilise several hundred square metres :)

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Think you will find most shows are done over several takes. They are well aware of the food hygiene issues because they get complaints. If you have evidence of them contravening the rules then best report them, but get your facts right first.




You must have a quite perfetic life to report a tv shows hygiene levels.

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I love watching all sorts of cookery shows on TV and find myself drawn to the more continental styles of cooking.


But when viewing these cooks and chefs preparing and cooking food, they generally have little food hygiene awareness.


I mean, people not washing their hands after handling meat, people using the same knives from one thing to another, guests handling food without sterilising themselves, people using same chopping boards, mess and oil everywhere and most of all, preparing food in rooms filled with people, cameras and studio audiences which can cross contaminate anything from passing bugs on to bodily odours and saliva.


I also believe that public restaurants and cafes that have free tester plates, it really is a health risk to begin with, food being handled by numerous strangers who have probably been to the bog and not washed their mitts and people standing in malls with trays of food that could have been the previous days leftovers, I could go on.


So, does anyone else have strong views on food glorious food !!!


what you have to understand is, the food cooked live or as part of the recording is cooked as a demonstration. Its not consumed.

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It is like that 3 egg omelet challenge on Saturday Kitchen, frantic frying, runny and raw results = salmonella


No way you can cook a proper omelet in that allotted time, it takes at least 5 minutes to make the perfect omelet.


They really should have challenges on that are realistic that people can do and actually produce edible food.

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