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Ebay rules

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Why on earth should google go into competition with ebay? why not joe bloggs from round the corner. Perhaps richard branson should go into competion. He has done shops, planes, helium balloons etc. Its a big world and ebay and google are not the dogs watsits

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Why on earth should google go into competition with ebay? why not joe bloggs from round the corner. Perhaps richard branson should go into competion. He has done shops, planes, helium balloons etc. Its a big world and ebay and google are not the dogs watsits


Capital, web-presence, branding and various other resources such as Google Checkout/wallet that both Joe bloggs and even Branson don't have which Google do would suggest that they have the best shot at succeeding.


Oh and when was the last time you saw a Virgin shop . . . . . . .

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So you don't think that Google could create a bit of competition by offering the same service but with lower charges?


Of course they could, but we don't need google getting more market share in other areas. They are already too big, and control too much of internet flow.


We don't need to give them any more.

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