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Starting a Football Team

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I'm just putting this out to anyone and see what the reply may be. Would anyone be interested in Starting a Saturday afternoon side for next season. For many years I've stood and told everyone how it should be done so I wanna see if I can do it better. I say Saturday afternoon because that is when I like playing due to sometimes working Saturday morning and I don't like getting up on a Sunday. What I'm looking for is like minded individuals that want to get involved in finding a base, a sponsor and all the other bits and bats and so forth.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.


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  • 3 weeks later...

good man, saturday/sunday football is dying now, all the local teams in my area are starting to struggle for players... the young uns just cant get out of bed these days, they must put summat different in the beer than when i were young...

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Hi everyone. No the thread isn't dead. It's more that I'm looking for people to help get it started at the moment. I am supposed to be speaking to someone but things keep getting in the way of the discussions at the moment. things are very busy for me personally at the moment so it might be a slow moving process but I will endeavour to keep the idea alive. Cheers

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