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Another man appointed by Allah to blow up an airport.


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Allah didn't appoint this man so your thread title is misleading.


---------- Post added 16-12-2013 at 00:07 ----------


Come on this is the religion of peace.;)


Islam promotes peace but it isn't a religion of peace, the religion of peace phrase is used by Islam haters as a sneer like you have just done. :rolleyes:

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Allah didn't appoint this man so your thread title is misleading.


He said Allah appointed him. Are you accusing a Muslim of being a liar?




Terry Lee Loewen decided that Allah wanted him to car bomb the Wichita Mid-Continent Airport in Kansas. But Allah and Loewen’s plot to murder Americans was undermined by law enforcement… which took his earlier threats seriously.


" “Let me preface the bottom line by saying I have become ‘radicalized’ in the strongest sense of the word, and I don’t feel Allah wants me any other way,” he said in one message, according to the complaint.


According to the complaint, Loewen attempted to provide support to Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, so we can chalk this up to Anwar Al-Awlaki.


Statements Loewen has made to FBI Employee 1 reflect his desire to engage in violent jihadl on behalf of al Qaeda.


“As time goes on I care less and less about what other people think of me, or my views of lslam. I have been studying subjects like jihad, martyrdom operations, and Sharia law. I don’t understand how you can read the Qur’an and the sunnah3 of the Prophet (saw)a and not understand that jihad and the implementation of Sharia is absolutely demanded of all the Muslim Ummah.”


That’s a question that ought to be asked of the FBI.


I do agree on one thing; the one thing we are doing wrong is that all 1.5 billion of us don’t rise up against the rest of the world and tell THEM how it’s going to be. lnshallah,T it will happen soon


And if they don’t obey and become good slaves, we’ll just kill them.


One last thing I would like to make clear if I haven’t already – I believe the Muslim who is labeled “a radical fundamentalist” is closer to Allah (swt)8 than the ones labeled “moderates”. Just my opinion; if l’m off base, please set me straiSht.


Closer to the Koran certainly.


Brothers like Osama bin Laden and Anwar al Awlakle are a great inspiration to me, but I must be willing to give up everything (like they did) to truly feel like a obedient slave of Allah (swt).


I have read Anwar Al-Awlaki’s 44 ways of Jihad,1o and like everything l’ve ever read of his, it’s very informative. . . . I have downloaded tens of thousands of pages on the subjects I mentioned earlier [referring to jihad, martyrdom operations and implementaion of Sharia lawl.


Figures it would be Anwar Al-Awlaki. It's insane that there are people still debating whether we should have droned him or not.


I have numerous ideas of ways I could perform jihad in the path of Allah (swt) but outside du'a, none of them are legal. I'm 58 years old and spending my remaining years behind bars for a good reason is not out of the question for me.


I have considered supportinB some of our brothers and sisters in prison, and have been sending money to the family of Younnus Abdullah Muhammad, one of the founder [sic] of the Revolution Muslim website, which is the first website that really helped me understand what obedience to Allah(swt) was. He is doing eleven and a half years over the whole South Park fiasco; isn’t democracy great?


I still need to do more however. lf by any chance you know of someone who is active in jihad and could use an occasional influx of “help”, please let me know. Short of that, nothing la m doing now is enough.


I just hate the kaffar government and those who are following it to the Hellfire, and the sooner it and its followers get there, the better.


Speaking of hellfire…


lt would have been possible today for me to have walked over there, shot both pilots( I don’t know if they are armed or not), slapped some C4 on both fuel trucks and set them off before anyone even called TSA. Talks REAL cheap, however, so what I think I can do and what I actually can do are probably two different things




All is good with me. lnshallah, this operation will be huge. Just to be a part of any operation with these brothers is a great honor for me, but of (sic) it can instill and great financial loss to the tagoot who run this country, then I will truly feel blessed. I pray the peace of Allah(swt) will be upon you and the other brothers. May this mission, inshalla h, be fruitful for all of us.

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Allah didn't appoint this man so your thread title is misleading.


He did, he spoke to him and everything :D


Joking apart I know what you mean, years ago we would have just locked these crack pots up, but now they claim to be party to some sort of religious ordering from God, and look for some sort of umbrella'd protection from their religion.


Its more than comforting to know that the majority see them for what they are and offer no such protection or credibility for their actions.


---------- Post added 16-12-2013 at 00:23 ----------


Yes I am.........


Well spoken !


Its easy to get tarred with the brush of others if you don't speak out ;)

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