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Another man appointed by Allah to blow up an airport.


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well done vinyl, you never fail to disappoint :thumbsup:


One tries and the only reward I seek is the knowledge that you and your mate will be tied up in front of your computers for another day thus keeping the streets safer for the kids.

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Its all a big ploy and all of them are in on it, that's why they walk about in those disguises with just their eyes showing.


Be afraid, be very afraid.




Any good Mr Friday ?


I think you have a personality disorder, I've not contributed to this thread.

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Thanks to your ignorance this is now a thread about Islam being violent. It actually started as a thread about a suicide bomber being prevented from causing death and destruction, how that equates to a thread about islam/muslims in your brain shows your lack of understanding.

its why they do it, they don't care about any possible victims

same as they completely blanked an actual bomb going off on UK soil purely cos it wasn't Muslim related

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