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Will you be doing anything to mark the Winter solstice ?

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Will you be alone, or do you normally get other people hanging around the stone circles on the solstices?


There were one man and his dog there bar myself the year before last. :D


I'm not adverse to a meet up though, if a few are up for it. I don't mind "onlookers" as i don't do ceremony, just a few private thoughts. :)

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Do you find many other people out there for the event? I often see pagan offerings at stone circles, especially after the solstices.


The only time I went to one was summer solstice for the dawn, mid-seventies and we had it to ourselves. It was the one accessible from the Sir William Hill road, not sure what it's called.

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Do you find many other people out there for the event? I often see pagan offerings at stone circles, especially after the solstices.


The only time I went to one was summer solstice for the dawn, mid-seventies and we had it to ourselves. It was the one accessible from the Sir William Hill road, not sure what it's called.


Wet Withens. :)


There's usually gatherings at Arbor Low, a few gather at The Nine Ladies too.

I'm not there in any religious capacity, though i have taken part in official ones with several hundred others in the past, but it's not really my thing. Doubt there will be anyone else at Barbrook 1 to be honest, until they see this anyway. :D

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I looked it up, yes, Wet Withens :)


I went to Nine Ladies late this summer and there was all kinds of crap stuff hanging off the trees. I find modern pagan offerings a bit fake, although I suppose they mean something to the people who make them.


In the paper today there was an article from a leader of the modern druids complaining about the new visitor centre at Stonehenge displaying the bones of 'his ancestors'. He was also complaining about the archaeological digs in the area.


I thought there was now an obligation on modern archaeologists in the UK to rebury human remains?

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I looked it up, yes, Wet Withens :)


I went to Nine Ladies late this summer and there was all kinds of crap stuff hanging off the trees. I find modern pagan offerings a bit fake, although I suppose they mean something to the people who make them.


In the paper today there was an article from a leader of the modern druids complaining about the new visitor centre at Stonehenge displaying the bones of 'his ancestors'. He was also complaining about the archaeological digs in the area.


I thought there was now an obligation on modern archaeologists in the UK to rebury human remains?


T'owd "King Arthur" :D

Don't get me wrong, the bloke did a lot for Stonehenge access, for that he has my respect, but now he's a failing star in his own field and will latch on to owt to get his face in the press. I remember one night drinking with his war band at The Lion in Avebury and being told he led the protest at The Nine Ladies, well like f... he did and i told him so. :hihi:


Personally, though i'm often classed by others as "Pagan", i'm on the side of the archeo's, he's no more an ancestor to these people than you or i, and should not be allowed to dictate policy on such matters.


As for "offerings" at ancient sites, most people feel they have to leave their mark there, i don't so much mind stuff hung on tree's etc as they are usually removed periodically by estate staff, though saying that Google "clooty tree's" and some of the pics will make your eyes water. :hihi:


I recommend people scatter a few berries, or leave a small paper note under a nearby rock etc, you should leave a site as you'd like to find it out of respect for others, and those gone before. :)

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