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Being raped and reporting it is a crime in Somalia.


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Somali woman who reported rape sentenced

Nineteen-year-old will be confined to home for six months and journalists who reported the story are to go to jail.



She wants to think herself lucky. In some places women can get stoned to death for allowing yourself the be raped by armed men.

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you forgot to mention the punishment was for "lying" not for being raped

they came to the conclusion she lied by using a discredited, unscientific and degrading "finger" test


I mentioned that


Did you see this?

Journalist Mohamed Bashir was found guilty of defamation and making false rape accusations, so he is given a six-month jail term.

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All the apologists on here for rape and paedophilia - MrSmith/angos, Frank Sidney, etc - are all right-wingers who go on about rape and paedophilia committed by non-whites but make excuses when it's committed by Jimmy Savile, Stuart Hall, Ched Evans at al.


I'd noticed that too..funny you don't see the OP bringing to our attention the vile deeds of white folks in this country.

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