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Being outed on SF

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So everybody is clear on this. We do not allow people to 'out' other users. If you publish the real name, address, car registration or phone number of another user or attempt to identify them and make this public without their express permission you will be banned. Please use the report button if any such is posted on a thread

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Hi, my name is Tim Zijlstra, follow my ramblings on Twitter @tzijlstra :hihi:


It is a legit question, my professional opinion on it, for what it is worth, is that there is a culture on the internet where people feel they can get away with posting rubbish because they think they are anonymous. The only way to combat this is by being the opposite: open about using your name.


Just out of curiosity, what are you scared of when it comes to using your own name? Is it the fact that people can say harmful stuff and it would somehow hit home more if you used your real name?

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Anyone can identify someone, what their name is, where they live, what they look like etc if they know how to do it and can be bothered. It really isn't that difficult.


It's the age-old game of trying to discredit, influence opinion, drive-away or get people banned game. Quite childish really.

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Anyone can identify someone, what their name is, where they live, what they look like etc if they know how to do it and can be bothered. It really isn't that difficult.


It's the age-old game of trying to discredit, influence opinion, drive-away or get people banned game. Quite childish really.


Not always that easy. The age old game of tracking someone.

If people want to reveal their details then thats up to them alone.

Quite happy for it to be a permanent ban.

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Thanks Mort


Hi Tim - thank you for identifying yourself - I won't abuse yr honesty. I've been thinking about it and I feel happy to put my name to anything I write here but a few years ago I disclosed personal information about myself - if my employer ever became of this info it might cause me some difficulties, so, at present, I'm not willing to come out, as it were. Perhaps a fresh account might be the thing to do with my real name.

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Yes, that makes sense. I post plenty of opinions, but than I am rather PC (as I believe you have called me before now as well haha!).


It is also part of my job to have an online presence, so I actually benefit from having it in a recognisable format.

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A few years ago I was involved in a heated debate (think it was about race /religion) and someone used my name in the thread. It ticked me off a bit as I felt they had some advantage over me. I can only guess that they worked out my identity from my posts. I chose to ignore the namecheck (on the basis that acknowledging it would give the other person some satisfaction) but it did tick me off. Has this happened to anyone else here? Does anyone else know who I am? Is identifying another poster considered bad form?


If your identity was known might you post differently? Should we all post with our real names?


Apols for the navel gazing thread - I've got the lurgy and CBA to do anything productive. Cheers all.


Whilst it sounds a nice idea, there are plenty of really nasty people on here that would quite happily launch a brick though your window, or worse just for haveing the nerve to for disagree with them.

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Whilst it sounds a nice idea, there are plenty of really nasty people on here that would quite happily launch a brick though your window, or worse just for haveing the nerve to for disagree with them.


A) I think that is a gross exageration

B) They'd be posting with their real name as well :)

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