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Being outed on SF

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To be honest tho,I just had a quick peek at your past posts & they run to 2008 so someone could find out your identity and the posts you refer to.

I'm always conscious of the fact that people might find out who I am,but I never post anything bad so can't see why it would bother me really.a lot of people hide behind a keyboard and say things they would never say in person.


Hey Spotty - hadn't realised I'd been a member since 2008. I certainly posted some stuff in the early days that disclosed info re my health and other things (oo er missus). I now work in field that requires registration by a professional body and if someone horrible took a dislike to me and knew who I was it would cause me a few (minor) problems, I think, if they grassed me up. I don't know anybody here in real life and sometimes wonder that various people I chat to in the city (Broadfield pub, Showroom Bar, etc) might also be members and I'm chatting to them in real life as well as on here.


---------- Post added 16-12-2013 at 19:26 ----------


Nah, it's fine. I wouldn't have the link in my sig otherwise.


Btw, i have had my children's lives threatened online, not on SF i should add, this was down to a difference of opinion on conservancy in regards to an ancient site, it was a few years back and did worry me slightly at first, then the mist came down. :hihi: Dozens of others took the idiot to task and rallied on my behalf which led to a name, those who lived nearer than myself had a little word in his ear late one night. I don't think he has an online presence any more. :D


Glad you're ok now. What kind of lowlife threatens another's children? That would have scared me and motivated me to act in the way you did.


---------- Post added 16-12-2013 at 19:27 ----------


I was really keen on joining SF. I have been on lots of forums related to my interests, therapy and supporting people in all its guises. I have never experienced trolling in the peer lead support sites so was a little saddened to see how some people appear so willing to "make an impact."

Despite this I notice that there are far more willing and friendly people keen to offer support, advice, a positive word or two and encouragement.

I think the site documents Sheffield folk through and through. The site is full of great people.

Sadly not everyone here or anywhere are all great. Not everyone values respecting others. Their impact can be huge, even when their numbers are limited.

They get their esteem by trying to undermine yours. They are the exception but not exceptional people.:confused:


Enjoy being you whoever you are.




Cheers for that Dave. I'll take yr gpfeedback on board.

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Some people on this forum know me, the vast majority do not. Yes I do use part of my real name in my name (yeah I'm a manic XD).


But I would never say 'insert person's real name' unless I had prior permission/knowledge. Someone has managed to figure my full name due to a couple of things in the past. But upon finding out who they were, I didn't mind that. I just wouldn't want my full details being out there.

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Anyone can identify someone, what their name is, where they live, what they look like etc if they know how to do it and can be bothered. It really isn't that difficult.


It's the age-old game of trying to discredit, influence opinion, drive-away or get people banned game. Quite childish really.

No they can't. Some of us don't link to anything else on the net that has a name, photo, Facebook page, personal details or anything revelatory at all anywhere else? I don't.

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Most of my details are or have been in the press and TV, at sometime or another due to my fight regarding Gulf War Illness, so I have nothing to hide, my press cuttings are also part of my signature, and I am in the news regularly regarding my shoe box appeal that I do all year round, honesty pays

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I don't know about name check. But I am a banned member and people sometimes figure out which one.


I don't mind saying so as I just come back under a different name with a new IP address.


Smee Yinnit?

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