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Being outed on SF

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i don't care who knows who i am i have nothing to hide from
I take it then that you know every citizen of the city of Sheffield and are in perfect safety. You are indeed fortunate. I lived there from birth till my 37th year, and wasn't that lucky.
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I don't know about the UK, but giving out your name or address on a forum, could get you into a whole lot of trouble in America. Better to keep yourself anonymous or silent, one or the other. I love this country, but not everyone who lives in it.


Must be pretty risky being a journalist, a blogger or a radio presenter then...

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Was she killed for an opinion she shared? Given that they released the guy jailed after finally working out that he didn't do it, and haven't got any more information on why she was killed it's impossible to say if she was targeted or if it was completely random (or unrelated to her views or profession).

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