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Being outed on SF

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A few years ago I was involved in a heated debate (think it was about race /religion) and someone used my name in the thread. It ticked me off a bit as I felt they had some advantage over me. I can only guess that they worked out my identity from my posts. I chose to ignore the namecheck (on the basis that acknowledging it would give the other person some satisfaction) but it did tick me off. Has this happened to anyone else here? Does anyone else know who I am? Is identifying another poster considered bad form?


If your identity was known might you post differently? Should we all post with our real names?


Apols for the navel gazing thread - I've got the lurgy and CBA to do anything productive. Cheers all.


I bet we all know some posters on here without knowing it. But as for the questions.

No I don't know who you are, it has never happened to me, yes it is bad form to name someone on a public forum, but for me this was never intended to be an anonymous profile.

Whilst on this forum I have used it's many categories, so I have met lots of members due to one thing or another, many have been to my home to collect stuff and I have been to others to pick up stuff. So anonymity is non existent in my case plus, I would never say anything on here that I wouldn't say face to face.

Hope that helps :cool:

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I think I asked for evidence, not supposition. 'Perhaps' doesn't count as evidence, the point I was making. Holmes.


I can confirm you didn't ask for evidence. Nor did anyone give an answer of 'perhaps'.


For future reference, you are able to view previous posts in a thread if you can not remember what has been said. Feel free to come to me if you need further assistance.

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Ah yes, it was "possibly" a synonym of perhaps.


I didn't specifically ask for evidence, but I did ask a question;


"Was she killed for an opinion she shared?"


Which wasn't actually answered, as possibly, or indeed perhaps, is simply a way of saying "I don't know".


Ergo - Jill Dando is a very poor 'proof' that being publicly known and having an opinion makes it likely that you will be killed.


There are far better examples, but in general, having an opinion and sharing it in public is not a huge risk to your life or safety.

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