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Imams to deradicalise prison inmates

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nope theyre going to use people who know the koran and the religion inside out to argue against the prisoners warped view of islam and show him theres another way to live


but you know that, just play acting dumb to argue the toss as usual


Its how its interpreted that is the problem,there are verses in the Koran that can be interpreted to mean different things to each individual,just as in the Bible.

Its how each moslem decides on how to read them that will determine if they are to become radicalized,there will always be those who think violence is the way and those who wish to counter this are going to have a hard job on their hands

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so YOU believe terrorists are right? in a weird way youre now apologising for them :suspect::huh:


do you believe what the likes of choudry and hook hand spout is true? simple question


Twisting things again. Where did I say I believe terrorists are right exactly?


It's not up to us to say one interpretation of the religious texts is right or wrong. If the scholars themselves cannot agree, how can the non-Muslim make a judgement of which is a correct interpretation?

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Twisting things again. Where did I say I believe terrorists are right exactly?


It's not up to us to say one interpretation of the religious texts is right or wrong. If the scholars themselves cannot agree, how can the non-Muslim make a judgement of which is a correct interpretation?

you have to take a side, would you want to side with the extremist who kills or the other?

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Question for Melthebel.


What is a Muslim?

Is a Sunni a Muslim?

Is a Shia a Muslim?

Is an Ahmadi an Muslim?


Please answer honestly.

theyre all muslim


now answer my question............what solution would YOU put on the table instead to solve the problem, you seem to be poo pooing this one

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its not as straightforward in that case regarding terrorist vs not terrorist, but thats not what this threads about


Am I missing something, this topic is about trying to re-brain wash radical Muslim that would do terrorist acts is it not?


Wasn't Mr Mandella locked up for the same reason these are ?


Can you choose your terrorist and excuse them of their actions on what they may or not believe and excuse their actions by standing in their corner?


Mr Friday seems to think you can, do you ?

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theyre all muslim


Try asking a moderate Sunni Imam if the Shias are true Muslims. Or if the Ahmadi are true Muslims.


Or ask a Shia Iman if the other two are true Muslims.


High chance is if they were telling the truth, they will say no.


If you trust even in the moderate Imams to be telling a truthful interpretation, then you'd too accept that the other "Muslims" are not true Muslims.


The fact that you believe them all to be true Muslims, puts you in disagreement even with "moderate" Imams that you supposedly believe to be telling "the truth".


Open your mind and be more questioning Mel, it's not so simple as there being a single correct interpretation of the religion, which just so happens to be the one you want it to be.

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