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Imams to deradicalise prison inmates

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Apparently Imams are going to meet prisoners and sit and chat with them about islam and challenge their distorted (the suns words not mine) views on islam and eventually un brainwash them


read the full article in the sun but you cant read it online now without paying :(


theres a short bit here https://www.politicshome.com/uk/story/39114/


not 100% convinced itll work BUT ive always said you dont beat terrorism by driving a wedge between communities, there has to be dialogue


Is this opposed to the large quantity of Mulsims who leave prison having been radicalised while inside? Its a good step, but words mean nothing.

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If the people who went from Europe in the 11th to 13th centuries to kill moslems and win back the Holy Land could have been counselled by moderate priests, they might not have gone forth to slay as they did.


---------- Post added 17-12-2013 at 18:37 ----------



Ranks level with the Christian idea that one does not need to keep an oath sworn to a heretic or infidel.


Different meaning really,to not keep an oath other than to your fellow worshippers is different to telling lies to further your religion.

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Different meaning really,to not keep an oath other than to your fellow worshippers is different to telling lies to further your religion.


In a debate, I suggested that breaking my oath to an "infidel" was less a betrayal of him than a betrayal of myself and of the "god" I invoked.

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Am I missing something, this topic is about trying to re-brain wash radical Muslim that would do terrorist acts is it not?


Wasn't Mr Mandella locked up for the same reason these are ?


Can you choose your terrorist and excuse them of their actions on what they may or not believe and excuse their actions by standing in their corner?


Mr Friday seems to think you can, do you ?


Terrorism is simply a tactic adopted when a group of people are out-numbered and/or out-gunned. And sometimes it is considered acceptable and sometimes not... it depends on the cause and the target.


For example, the French Resistance in WWII and the ANC during apartheid used terrorist tactics and most right-minded people would excuse the tactic because the cause was freedom and the target an oppressive and undemocratic regime. On the other hand you have Islamic terrorists who use the same tactics but they fight for an oppressive cause and their target is demoractic society... which is not acceptable to most rignt-minded people. I think I therefore agree with Mr Friday.


As for Islamic terrorists/extremists in our jails... I like Mel's idea of simply throwing away the key and keeping them in isolation so as not to contaminate anyone else. I don't think sending in Imams is right because Islam (like all religions) is delusional nonsense and the State shouldn't promote any form of it or do anything that gives it any sort of validity.

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Terrorism is simply a tactic adopted when a group of people are out-numbered and/or out-gunned. And sometimes it is considered acceptable and sometimes not... it depends on the cause and the target.


For example, the French Resistance in WWII and the ANC during apartheid used terrorist tactics and most right-minded people would excuse the tactic because the cause was freedom and the target an oppressive and undemocratic regime. On the other hand you have Islamic terrorists who use the same tactics but they fight for an oppressive cause and their target is demoractic society... which is not acceptable to most rignt-minded people. I think I therefore agree with Mr Friday.


As for Islamic terrorists/extremists in our jails... I like Mel's idea of simply throwing away the key and keeping them in isolation so as not to contaminate anyone else. I don't think sending in Imams is right because Islam (like all religions) is delusional nonsense and the State shouldn't promote any form of it or do anything that gives it any sort of validity.


Blimey we agree on someat, your definition of terrorism

and the second part, apart from I do believe its worth trying to "debrief" them so to speak as well as keep them locked up

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Definition of terrorism is okay.


I'd be interested to learn, by what standard you judge one person to be right-minded, and another not? Is that based on your own perspective and experience, or do you have access to the mind of god, or some other oracle of the absolute?


I'm not so sure there are any absolutes ... yet everyone has god (or moral right) on their own side.


Not sure a debrief is worth it either. Not if you go in to it from a position of being absolutely right, never done anything wrong in the world, that would inspire other people to attack you; rather, just on the assumption that the other guy is insane with unfounded grievances against you.


Most people are, less-than-perfect, masquerading as angels, culpability adverse.

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Don't judge all Muslims based on some. Not all terrorists are Muslims & not all Muslims are terrorists!:smile: Those that do become terrorists are actually misguided, there's a billion Muslims all around the world, if Islam taught terrorism or promoted it I believe WE all would be terrorists.. :roll:

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that's rich, since its you lot twisting and turning and muddying the water instead of admitting something you don't want, a positive :roll:
we all want a positive mel :roll: but when it comes to our freedoms to achieve that goal id rather we carry on doing what we do now and thats not to give in to terrorists :D
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sorry mate i leave that to people like you who spit the dummy out when things dont go your way :roll:


It's usually you and your ilk always moaning about Muslims and immigrants on here so I don't understand why my challenging bigots and Muslim haters is classed as spitting my dummy out by your kind.

This just proves that anything positive by Muslims in seen as suspicious by your type and to be honest I gave up bothering as Muslim haters like yourself always find some fault. :rolleyes:

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