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Is sheffield forum a hobby for some people?

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As the title suggests ? is it a hobby for some? . Everytime i look at what i think might interest me, i see the same old people making silly comments, or trying to be humourous.


There seem to be the regulars that have something to say on every thread going .


I have learnt over the past few months never to knock a mod or helper (although there is one who constantly cheeses me off) .


But why oh why do we have threads spoilt by the same old mega posters!!


sorry for the rant but is it just me, or not?


I think forum posters fall into several categories.


Some drop by because they have an idea to discuss.

Some are bored at work

Some have an axe to grind

For others it is clearly all they have in their lives.

I suspect that for some the only conversations they have all day are arguments with other folk without mates.

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