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What is it with Clegg and food parcels?

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He should be hanging his head in shame, what can possibly be good about having a mass opening of food banks in the world's seventh richest economy in the year 2013? It just shows how far we have come - full circle back to Victorian times.


It's not Clegg's fault that people on benefits are too concerned with feeding their cigarette and alcohol addictions and buying things they can't afford on credit rather than buying food.


Some people can afford to live fine on benefits - those who don't smoke, those who don't drink, those who don't need the latest gadget or massive TV.


The people who visit food banks are spending the money they should be spending on food - on things they don't need.


And that's proven by the fact that some people live perfectly well on benefits. That can't even be argued with.


Take away the food banks and say "Right, we're giving you this money to live on, if you spend it on fags and booze...you're not eating this week." Simple as that.


Oh you can't do that cause you'd get people saying "Awwwhh but they're starving". Yeah, they are staving, we told them to buy food instead of fags and they didn't listen.

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This just means that more people are now shopping online therefore they will spend less on the high street :rolleyes:


Did you read the article or just the headline? If you read the article it said:


Budget tables and new games consoles were the big sellers as more of us shop using phones and handheld devices


A scramble for the iPad Air and Kindle Fire HD saw online tablet purchases soar by 63% month on month, while Argos’s £99 MyTablet has already sold out.


And the launch of Sony’s PlayStation 4 and Microsoft’s Xbox One saw internet demand increase as gadget geeks avoided queues and shopped from home or on the go.


Black Friday on November 29 led to unprecedented internet sales as stores including John Lewis, Amazon and Currys/PC World led an online bargains bonanza.


All gadgets people don't need.

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that is working towards the complete dismantling of any social welfare programmes.


Proof? Links?


Cutting benefits because the country is up to its eyes in debt is not unique to this government or even this country.


Greece disability list sparks welfare benefits row


Austerity: Cuts to social benefits hit record high [Portugal]


Disabled protest in Spain over austerity measures



Sound familiar?


Or how about this one?


Coalition targets welfare benefits for budget cuts


A new swathe of welfare cuts is in prospect as preparations for Budget 2014 next Tuesday move into their final phase.


Under examination is the possibility of cuts from the gas, electricity and telephone allowances under the household benefit package for pensioners and people with disabilities. Cuts to entitlements under the package this year aim to yield €84 million.


Did you spot the € symbol?


Yes, this coalition making benefits cuts is the one between Fine Gael and the Labour Party in Ireland.


Cleggy may not be up to much but this myopic obsession with feeling "hard done by" should be tempered by an understanding of the wider state of economic affairs in the western world.


If you want to blame someone, why not Gordon Brown. After all, his legacy is:


UK's debts 'biggest in the world' [bBC News, 21 November 2011]

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  • 4 weeks later...
He still reckons he's going to stand in Hallam again. Unfortunately.


This man has done more harm to the liberal party than anyone, after the next election Clegg will be no more.

That's why he's muzzling up to Milliband trying to play safe, the man's a hypercritic.

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It's not Clegg's fault that people on benefits are too concerned with feeding their cigarette and alcohol addictions and buying things they can't afford on credit rather than buying food.


Some people can afford to live fine on benefits - those who don't smoke, those who don't drink, those who don't need the latest gadget or massive TV.


The people who visit food banks are spending the money they should be spending on food - on things they don't need.


And that's proven by the fact that some people live perfectly well on benefits. That can't even be argued with.


Take away the food banks and say "Right, we're giving you this money to live on, if you spend it on fags and booze...you're not eating this week." Simple as that.


Oh you can't do that cause you'd get people saying "Awwwhh but they're starving". Yeah, they are staving, we told them to buy food instead of fags and they didn't listen.

And what about the people that have to come out of work through unexpected illness, or made redundant, people who have a mortgage or debts left to still pay, people with families? not everyone that can't survive on benefits spend the money on drink, drugs and a spending spree lifestyle...just that the Government would like you to think so.

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Mmmmm. Debenhams, Morrisons, Tesco, Marks and Spencer, Sainsburys et al might not have felt the love this last Christmas.


They will thank the ConDems, I'm sure.


But John Lewis and Waitrose had record sales.


So did JD sports and Sports Direct.


Maybe the said shops need to think perhaps WHY the customers are going elsewhere. I doubt very much its anything to do with the government.

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