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Looking for poem "Rolling Glory on the Water"

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I remember this from days of yore.

Begins, I think:

"When first I went a wandering with rapier and gun"


about going pirating; a stranger joins them, and before he leaves hangs their captain.


Google doesn't seem to have heard of any part of it I can remember.

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Begins, I think:

"When first I went a wandering with rapier and gun"


about going pirating; a stranger joins them, and before he leaves hangs their captain.


Google doesn't seem to have heard of any part of it I can remember.


Is it The ballad of Bruadair?


When I first took to cutlass, blunderbus and gun,

Rolling glory on the water;

With boarding and with broadside, we made the Dutchmen run.....


Search for the first 6 words. I found a page with it on but can't get a link to work.

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The Ballad of O’Bruadir, Robert Higgins.

The Ballad of O’Bruadir.

by Frederick Robert Higgins, 1896-?.


When first I took to cutlass, blunderbuss and gun,

Rolling glory on the water;

With boarding and with broadside we made the Dutchmen run,

Rolling glory on the water;

Then down among the captains in their green skin shoes,

I sought for Hugh O’Bruadir and got but little news

‘Til I shook him by the hand in the bay of Santa Cruz,

Rolling glory on the water.


O’Bruadir said kingly, ‘You’re a fresh blade from Mayo

Rolling glory on the water,

But come among my captains, to Achill back we go,

Rolling glory on the water,

Although those Spanish beauties are dark and not so dear,

I’d rather taste in Mayo, with April on the year,

One bracing virgin female; so swing your canvas here,

Rolling glory on the water!’


‘There’s no man,’ said a stranger, ‘whose hand I’d sooner grip,

Rolling glory on the water.’

‘Well, I’m your man,’ said Bruadir, ‘and you’re aboard my ship,

Rolling glory on the water.’

They drank to deeper friendship in ocean roguery;

And rolled ashore together, but between you and me

We found O’Bruadir dangling with an airy tree,

Ghosting glory on the water!

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