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Alone this Christmas?

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I thought id start a post where people for whatever reason are alone this Christmas can post their let other people know what your gonna get up to, share experiences or even arrange to meet up etc.


Note:- Its Christmas so TROLLS please stay away from this one.



What a nice idea.


I think it helps to at least know there are other people in the same boat.


Good for you. Best wishes.:)

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Actually ive got friends coming over but to be honest id be more than happy to do it alone.


Xmas is 2 weeks of partying and xmas day would be nicer alone.


Get up when i like, watch what i like, drink what i like, eat when i like, nap when i like & playstation when i like.


Nothing to be ashamed of.


Maybe there is a pub opening that SF members could get together

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I would hate to be alone on Christmas day or boxing day but I can appreciate that there are those that would prefer it.

As for those that will be alone but don't want to be then my heart goes out to you.


I'm very lucky in that the youngest and baby grandson will he here for Christmas day and boxing day and maybe even sleeping over.

Our other two kids and grandkids will be joining us on boxing day as well so it's a full house on both days.

I'm also very lucky that they all still want to be here to celebrate with us. It must be my cooking. :hihi:

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On the few occasions I've had Xmas on my own in the past, I enjoyed it. Peace and quiet, eating and drinking what and when I like. No simmering tensions, no feeling stuck in one place or overeating for want of anything better to do. There's so much emphasis on family, such a big build up and huge expectations of Xmas, it's difficult to own up to wanting to spend it on your tod.

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For many years I worked on Christmas Day and although we made the holiday special for the kids I really just treated it the same as any other day to me however the 1st year after splitting with their dad (best decision ever) they spent it with him which suited because of work but on new year I felt the loss more, the ex family always had a big party which I let the kids go to so they could see that side of the family but New Year's Day is my birthday and being home alone without my children over new year/birthday was painfull and upsetting for me, I remember just putting myself to bed around 9ish feeling thoroughly fed up and dejected, friends invited me to various things but I wasn't in frame of mind to join in, but these feelings pass in time. Just use the day to please yourself, merry Christmas

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well i keep looking at this thread and wondering if i should post ...well here goes ..for the last 3 1/2 years have been the worst in my life, it all started with finding out my old mum had altzeimers so for a year and half i spent every day going over to help my dad with my mum she finally past away on new years eve 2011 the following September my dad had a AAA (abdominal autic aneurism s.p.)

from my mothers death till my dad had his AAA i when't around to his house to keep him company everyday i could has he had never lived on his own and the loss of my mum hit him deeply 8 days after he had been admitted and had surgery me my sister and 2 uncles (my dad's younger siblings) had to take the decision to turn off the life support system so my dad had left us ... during this time i had to have our pet cats put to sleep 1 was diabetic 1 had tumors in her stomach and the last one had heart attack which paralised her back legs so had to be put to sleep .....roll on to November this year my son moved out with his girlfriend in to there own house and 5 weeks after my wife told me she didn't love like she used to and has left me and is living at her mums ....so am i alone this Christmas ? yes very alone for the first time in 26 years ....Ho Ho Ho roll on next year they carn't be has bad has the last ones ....



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well i keep looking at this thread and wondering if i should post ...well here goes ..for the last 3 1/2 years have been the worst in my life, it all started with finding out my old mum had altzeimers so for a year and half i spent every day going over to help my dad with my mum she finally past away on new years eve 2011 the following September my dad had a AAA (abdominal autic aneurism s.p.)

from my mothers death till my dad had his AAA i when't around to his house to keep him company everyday i could has he had never lived on his own and the loss of my mum hit him deeply 8 days after he had been admitted and had surgery me my sister and 2 uncles (my dad's younger siblings) had to take the decision to turn off the life support system so my dad had left us ... during this time i had to have our pet cats put to sleep 1 was diabetic 1 had tumors in her stomach and the last one had heart attack which paralised her back legs so had to be put to sleep .....roll on to November this year my son moved out with his girlfriend in to there own house and 5 weeks after my wife told me she didn't love like she used to and has left me and is living at her mums ....so am i alone this Christmas ? yes very alone for the first time in 26 years ....Ho Ho Ho roll on next year they carn't be has bad has the last ones ....




Sorry to hear about that Glynn. That's what I hate about Xmas - if you're going through the mill it just makes everything feel worse. Hope the new year brings better times for you.

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Ok, I will start the ball rolling - yes, I will be alone this christmas, and no, not by choice :(

I wont be lonely though, Jack Daniels will be keeping me company.



lol very good,jack is always a good thing to have around,I will be on my own most of xmas day as may partner is working a long shift,still I dont count that as really being alone,I do feel for those less fortunate who have no one to turn to.

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