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Does anyone else dread Christmas?

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Wow, thought I was gonna get panned for this but was curious to see if people felt like I do.

You are not alone. Today I am looking at the calendar and thinking that in exactly two weeks time it will be all over - yay!

Years ago we did what Annina has described - stopped buying presents for each other and it has been great. There is no need to do anything - not even have a Christmas tree if you don't want to. Could you not tell the relatives you will see them after the holiday, do your own thing and take the pressure off yourself?

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I personally don't care much for Christmas these days. But being a single man with no kids might have something to do with it (phew).


It still doesn't feel like the week before crimb, and I doubt it will feel like crimb on the day, even with the family round.

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As the title suggests. I'm a normal bloke, nearly 30, 2 kids, mrs, house, cars etc.


Every year now, I find myself dreading Christmas, I hate the pressure people put themselves under, both financial and emotional. I also dislike the expectation to suffer other peoples company, that quite frankly the rest of the year I couldn't give a monkeys about.


Then there are countless other things, for example mad Friday, awful television, the sheer commercialisation of it all.


Do other people feel like this or is it just me?


Who do you spend time with that you don't like? Your family?

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Why is Christmas stressful?


•Increased pressure to spend time with others


•An expectation this is a happy time of year - pressure to make the most out of an event and for everyone to have a good time


•Mixing with people you have not necessarily chosen to spend time with


•Sense of loss - whether because of not having a social group, or being out of work


•Constant reminders of how we should be enjoying ourselves at Christmas on TV, in advertisements and even in supermarkets


(Source BBC)

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here in the Philippines, it is not Christmas that is stressful. It is New Year. With all the Asian countries it is New Year that is important, not Christmas.


they all have their own, you see. The Japanese, Thai, Chinese, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Burmese and Korean New Years, are all different.

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I guess not being Christians or having a Christian heritage that Christmas wouldn't mean much to them.


---------- Post added 19-12-2013 at 16:23 ----------


Why is Christmas stressful?


•Increased pressure to spend time with others


•An expectation this is a happy time of year - pressure to make the most out of an event and for everyone to have a good time


•Mixing with people you have not necessarily chosen to spend time with

How? Do they kidnap you?


•Sense of loss - whether because of not having a social group, or being out of work


•Constant reminders of how we should be enjoying ourselves at Christmas on TV, in advertisements and even in supermarkets


(Source BBC)



You decide what it's going to be like, enjoy it or not, it's down to your own choices, nobody else forces you to do anything.

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I guess not being Christians or having a Christian heritage that Christmas wouldn't mean much to them.


---------- Post added 19-12-2013 at 16:23 ----------


How? Do they kidnap you?



You decide what it's going to be like, enjoy it or not, it's down to your own choices, nobody else forces you to do anything.


Well no, nobody puts a gun to your head, but it's about the social aspect of it...people feel pressured into things, thus stress.


Even though you're trying to troll I do sort of get what you mean, I mean...I used to really hate going to see the extended family at Christmas, aunties and uncles and cousins...it really was a large part of what ruined Christmas for me, then one year I just didn't go and I had a much better time.


So yeah, people don't have a gun to their heads, but they feel very heavy pressure to do stuff they don't want to do.

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I think women see it as a duty to 'do Christmas', whereas blokes see it as an imposition.


Another glaring example of the difference between the sexes.


Personally I adore Christmas, being with the family and seeing grandkids open pressies, after what happened to me 2 weeks a go, this Christmas is an absolute bonus.


Merry Christmas to all, and a good 2014 & I'm male.



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As the title suggests. I'm a normal bloke, nearly 30, 2 kids, mrs, house, cars etc.


Every year now, I find myself dreading Christmas, I hate the pressure people put themselves under, both financial and emotional. I also dislike the expectation to suffer other peoples company, that quite frankly the rest of the year I couldn't give a monkeys about.


Then there are countless other things, for example mad Friday, awful television, the sheer commercialisation of it all.


Do other people feel like this or is it just me?


Nope and my advice is, chill out and only do what you want to do, Christmas doesn't have to be expensive or emotionally traumatic. :)

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