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Does anyone else dread Christmas?

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No I don't dread Christmas I usually enjoy it when I get into the spirit and usually find it a relief when its arrived and everything is organised so I can relax to do that.


Its the pre-Christmas madness and all the commercialism that can be a nightmare, then all that rushing about searching for the right presents, and all the rest, especially if you are mad enough to leave some things that should have been organised before, until the last week, like I've done.


I don't blame anyone for refusing to make a fuss, you can do as you please, Christmas isn't compulsory.

In fact you find that the ones with the highest expectations, are quite often the ones, who when its all over will be the ones who grumble afterwards about it being a disappointment.


There's also that sad and emotional side to Christmas, when we stop and think about others who are ill or suffering in some other way and unable to enjoy the the festivities. And the low feelings that come into our minds when we think about those absent ones we love and miss, who are no longer with us.

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As the title suggests. I'm a normal bloke, nearly 30, 2 kids, mrs, house, cars etc.


Every year now, I find myself dreading Christmas, I hate the pressure people put themselves under, both financial and emotional. I also dislike the expectation to suffer other peoples company, that quite frankly the rest of the year I couldn't give a monkeys about.


Then there are countless other things, for example mad Friday, awful television, the sheer commercialisation of it all.


Do other people feel like this or is it just me?


I did for a few years. Personal things etc ….. I love it now never thought I would ever again but I do.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well no, nobody puts a gun to your head, but it's about the social aspect of it...people feel pressured into things, thus stress.


Even though you're trying to troll I do sort of get what you mean, I mean...I used to really hate going to see the extended family at Christmas, aunties and uncles and cousins...it really was a large part of what ruined Christmas for me, then one year I just didn't go and I had a much better time.


So yeah, people don't have a gun to their heads, but they feel very heavy pressure to do stuff they don't want to do.


I wasn't trolling at all, and indeed you grasped the point I was actually making.


Have some backbone and just do what you enjoy, then strangely enough Xmas becomes enjoyable.

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