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Winter Solstice gatherers due again at Stonehenge?

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With some professional academics stating that the modern visitors to Stonehenge and other ancient sites celebrating the Winter Solstice of December 21st are facing 180° the ''wrong way'' and 6mths out of time (Summer Solstice of June 21st), is there any point in them gathering to still celebrate in the same way?


All that dressing up in robes, sandals and beards and swaying and chanting? It's like a dodgy parody of The Wicker Man or Life of Brian with twigs and berries?


Nobody can be 100% sure if sunset, sunrise, midsummer, or midwinter is more important, and the convergers might be getting their celebrations totally wrong?


How many at each event are even genuine, and not merely ''hangers on'' seeking attention?

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If someone choses a particular "faith" (if that's the right word), then that's fine. However, it doesn't give them any rights over a load of old stones (that were subsequently moved around, anyway), and any understanding of what those stones might mean.


York Minster ?

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York Minster ?


There's been continuing worship at York Minster, as far as I'm aware, and it is still being used for the purpose it was created.


Nobody really knows the original purpose of Stonehenge, and how the builders used it. In fairly recent times, some people modified it, still not knowing the original purpose so they didn't return it to any sort of original design - or if they did it was purely by accident. In more recent times, a group of people have invented an "ancient religion" which purports to make correct use of the site. In reality, they are playing at being at one with nature, and dressing up in funny clothes to do so.


Pretty harmless, but still nothing to do with stonehenge's purpose, as far as anyone knows.

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With some professional academics stating that the modern visitors to Stonehenge and other ancient sites celebrating the Winter Solstice of December 21st are facing 180° the ''wrong way'' and 6mths out of time (Summer Solstice of June 21st), is there any point in them gathering to still celebrate in the same way?


Do you think it would make any difference if they did their ceremonies at the right time and faced the right way?

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I think if you actually went there and saw what was happening, maybe 1% are actually Sun worshiping hippies who think it's an actually special event.


The rest are presumably there to get drunk or high or just mingle with people who are a bit off the wall. There for the sense of occasion, you know...I mean I'd like to go because it seems like a pretty cool place and it's a nice event with pretty cool people, I'd say 99% of them are just like me but could actually be bothered to go down.

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With some professional academics stating that the modern visitors to Stonehenge and other ancient sites celebrating the Winter Solstice of December 21st are facing 180° the ''wrong way'' and 6mths out of time (Summer Solstice of June 21st), is there any point in them gathering to still celebrate in the same way?


I think you've somehow gotten your info twisted.

Until recently the thinking was Stonehenge was aligned on the Summer Solstice, it's only recently been suggested such sites marked the winter Solstice. (See Mike Parker Pearson - Durrington)


And yes, it's fine for neo pagans to celebrate whatever time of year they wish, and wherever they wish to do so, whether there's any real attachment to ancients sites is a moot point, i'm sure people have celebrated new years eve in many diverse locations. :)

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What % of people who celebrate Christmas actually celebrate it for the right reason? Has a pagan druid myself it is a very important day today & it doesn't make me weard, there is alot of pagans about but just keep there belief to themselves due to reactions from others, its important to respect everyones belief without judgement, blessed be all & yule blessings to all that celebrate it, wherever you do your ritual I hope it all goes well for you & your at the place you want to be

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