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Vladimir Putin: Stalin was no worse than Oliver C

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Still doesn't excuse what Stalin did....




Soviet leader Joseph Stalin was no worse than 17th century English dictator Oliver Cromwell, Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed at a press conference.


Stalin has been blamed for the deaths of millions of people while Cromwell slaughtered thousands in Ireland and allegedly sent Irish Catholics into slavery in the West Indies.


But the scale of the carnage did not seem to matter to the Russian leader.


“What’s the real difference between Cromwell and Stalin? None whatsoever,” Mr Putin said on Thursday, according to news service RIA Novosti. Mr Putin made the comments at a press conference after he was asked about a monument to Stalin being put up in Moscow.

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why are we listening to the ex-KGB spy who changed Russia's constitution so he could remain in power. If this was a African country we would all be calling him a dictator.


But he has power and gasfields so we have to suck up to him and not protest too much about his dictatorial and corrupt behaviour.

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Russia has all the gas, an it sells it to us at a ridiculous price, $400 per 1000 cubic meters which means $0.4 a cubic meters for them confused by figures, which £0. 245 per cubic meter, and I pay over £40 a cubic meter, so helping the energy companies hardly make any money. Putin compared to corporate power, is a minor figure, as our lot really know how to screw us an kill tens of thousands in a cold snap, thus making Stalin have rivals except he was not after profit as well..



Bad Putin selling gas to us for a few pence

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Russia has all the gas, an it sells it to us at a ridiculous price, $400 per 1000 cubic meters which means $4 a cubic meters for them confused by figures, which £2.45 per cubic meter, and I pay over £40 a cubic meter, so helping the energy companies hardly make any money. Putin compared to corporate power, is a minor figure, as our lot really know how to screw us an kill tens of thousands in a cold snap, thus making Stalin have rivals except he was not after profit as well..



Bad Putin selling gas to us for a few pence


If I pay $400 for 1000 of something then how does 1 of them cost $4? Aren't you out by a factor of 10? Or have I got it wrong? Who do you pay £40 a cubic metre?


Isn't the calculation something like this...roughly..


1M³ =35.32 FT³

1 FT³ (NG) = 1020 BTU,..35.32 X 1020 = 36,026 BTU/M³


1kWh = 3413 BTU

36,026/3413 = 10.55 kWh/M³


Each cubic metre is approx 10.55 kwh which means you're paying about £4 a kwh... I think you need to change your supplier :) Or check your figures..

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If I pay $400 for 1000 of something then how does 1 of them cost $4? Aren't you out by a factor of 10? Or have I got it wrong? Who do you pay £40 a cubic metre?


Isn't the calculation something like this...roughly..


1M³ =35.32 FT³

1 FT³ (NG) = 1020 BTU,..35.32 X 1020 = 36,026 BTU/M³


1kWh = 3413 BTU

36,026/3413 = 10.55 kWh/M³


Each cubic metre is approx 10.55 kwh which means you're paying about £4 a kwh... I think you need to change your supplier :) Or check your figures..



Thanks..... I was out by a factor of 10, (rushing to make a point, is the crime) The gas companies buy it at a few pence £0.245 to be precise, and my bills show cubic feet used, and the total price I am being charged per quarter for this fantastic scam. Overall it cost around £1.50 per cubic meter, including all their charges, which I do not split up. My weekly food costs are also a total, and I do not go through every item, apple eggs and so on. So it is with the gas scam.

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Thanks..... I was out by a factor of 10, (rushing to make a point, is the crime) The gas companies buy it at a few pence £0.245 to be precise, and my bills show cubic feet used, and the total price I am being charged per quarter for this fantastic scam. Overall it cost around £1.50 per cubic meter, including all their charges, which I do not split up. My weekly food costs are also a total, and I do not go through every item, apple eggs and so on. So it is with the gas scam.


Simplistic garbage. The extra charges cover maintenanace of facilities and the labour force required to carry this out. People employed in the untility industry need special training and the acquisition of skills relating to employment in this field.

They are probably pretty well paid for their skills so what's your problem?

On another thread you were complaining about the average wage not being enough to live on

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