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I want the girl - please help!

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i really need some advice -


i girl chatted me up the other night and asked me out -

i said yes and we arranged to meet on saturday

we went out saturday night and had a really good time - anyhow i went back hers and we had s*x when we were drunk and again in the morning when sober - anyhow after the second time she turned away from me and when i asked her what was wrong she said she felt awkward - she then got up and when i asked her why she felt bad she said because of her x who had been texting her on saturday night - she then drove me home


they had finished a while ago - she finished with him but he is still into her - actually she was a bit 'cold' with me all morning before we had s*x for the 2nd time


anyhow, she sent me a text later on the sunday saying thanks for a good time - i replied saying i had a good time too -


my question is - what do i do now? i want to see her again as i really like her but i'm so confused - should i text her again and ask her out for a drink or does it sound like she wants rid of me - is she on the re-bound?? she finished with him and insisted that she definately doen't want to go out with him again - i do believe that actually but why was she so cold then had s*x with me and then cold again and then why bother sending me a text later in the day to say thanks for a 'really good night' and i know that she fancies - fancied me


*confused* :0(

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Originally posted by DaBouncer

Leave it as a one nights stand!


well yea maybe i should but it's rare i meet someone i wanna be with - am bored of randoms


you think i should leave it then sammy?? and wait for her thing is she was really assertive - she asked me out - she arranged to meet on saturday - all down to her - maybe she doesn't think i'm that bothered and my 'reputation' preceeds me, reputation based on a throwaway comment by someone by the way


i do want her to know i like her - maybe that put her off that i didn't seem THAT bothered - but i'm a bloke - that's what we do

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Just send her a short, non-clingy, non-whining text letting her know you're interested and then do nothing, let her come to you.


"Hi <insert her name>, Hope you're ok. Just letting you know I enjoyed it at the weekend and would love to do it again sometime. Let me know if you fancy it. <insert your name>.

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yeah u shud send her a text like that or exactly like that! (wot gazb wrote)


u either leave it up to her because u sed she is assertive or u take the lead and let her know u are there if she wants u!


well thats all have to offer!



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