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How to get to the peaks?

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Ok, so once I get off at Edale... where do I go? As you can see I'm a bit new here :) Any website that lists decent walks to go on or cycle routes or something?





Can I suggest if you are asking these sorts of questions that you please do some research the moors can be a very dangerous place for those not familiar with the outdoors to well. I apologise if I am teaching you to suck eggs but the more experience walker/outdoors person does not ask these sorts of questions.


Plan your route using an Ordanance Survey map (1:25000, can be found in places like Whsmiths or Waterstones in Town, it should be yellow. The plastic coated ones are worth the extra money as they last longer you can draw on them with washable marker pen and they don't go soggy if it rains.) and make sure you leave a copy of this route with someone you know and an estimated time plan.


Also make sure you take some warm clothes incase the weather changes, a compass and some sturdy footwear. Avoid wearing Jeans as they aren't very comfortable to wear if it gets wet.


If you want to start of lightly how about walking from home? Walk down through endcliffe park and just keep following the footpaths until you start going up in the world, and perhaps down along the roman road.

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If you want to start of lightly how about walking from home? Walk down through endcliffe park and just keep following the footpaths until you start going up in the world, and perhaps down along the roman road.

I was thinking that. As you live in Walkley there's a lot you can get to without going near public transport.

Head for Bole Hill Road and keep going! There's lots to explore. Depending on how energetic you want to be you'll find Rivelin Valley a good place to start. Bradfield and Ringinglow are certainly possible if you like striding out a bit.

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Hi Teetime


You can get the bus to Hathersage from the bottom of Ecclesall Rd. Get off the bus at the Fox House pub and go explore the Burbage Valley (North West from the pub). The Ordnance Survey map that you want is OL1: The Dark Peak and you can get it from WH Smiths or other places for about £7.00. The walk all the way around the valley isn't very far. You could go to Burbage Bridge, along the path past Burbage Rocks to Upper Burbage Bridge and then come back via Higgar Tor. That's only about 4km long and you get to see the ancient fort of Carl Wark. You can extend it by visiting Stanage Edge if that's not far enough.


Whatever you do hope you have a great time. The Peak's looking particularly good at the moment.

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Another easy way into the hills is to get on a 51 bus on Flat Street in town bound for Lodge Moor; get off at the terminus and walk up tro Redmires resevoir (the first mile or so is on the road) . From Redmires you can walk up tro Stanage pole and along to the edge - gorgeous views. Follow Stanage around to Burbage edge and from there it's a pleasant downhill stretch to Fox house for a well earned pint. Several buses leave from Fox House heading back to the City centre. Enjoy.

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Hi all, thanks for all the great suggestions. Bole Hill Road is really easy to get to on foot for me so I might go exploring there tommorow (Friday), anyone got any specific places I could head for from there? Jules_B and Hailbut also have interesting suggestions: Jules_B's walk sounds good as it's a round walk circling a valley... what bus, specifically, is the one that goes to hathersage?

I'm planning to go 'somewhere' tommorow (haven't completely decided yet). Probably either Jules_B's walk or exploring from Bole Hill Road - any suggestions where I could go from that road?


As for safety, I have good walking boots, I'll be getting a map and I'll have a mobile phone with me as well as waterproofs. But I won't be venturing too far away from civilisation so I think I should be fine.


Again thanks for your replies, walking in the peaks I imagine is far more interesting exercise than going to the gym.

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Fraid I don't know the number of the bus. Weather looks good for tomorrow. Bright and clear but very cold (-3 degrees and feeling colder than that in the wind). I was at Stanage yesterday and it was freeeeeezing. Def a good day to pile on the clothes, gloves, hat.

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