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Farmers subsidies

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Yep, and all you can do about it is vote UKIP. :)


What else could anyone do to stop farming subsidies being paid to UK farmers.


Your link pointed to wind farm subsidies, but a change of search time and I found this.

Why Britain’s Farmers should back UKIP


Which does confirm that UKIP support subsidies to farmers, but not the CAP bureaucracy that comes from the EU.



So you agree then, unlike your first post where you happily waived the UKIP flag, voting UKIP will actually not stop farm subsidies.

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Not all farmers own the land they farm on.......


correct............. a lot of farms are owned by Earls and country estates and rented to Farmers . One farmer i know up here near me dosnt own any of the land he farms , its own by Yorkshire water . Farmers work 16-18 hour days , and during Lambing for example will not sleep at all and work through the night. I have no problem with giving farmers subsidies , as they work themselves into the ground 7 days a week .

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So you agree then, unlike your first post where you happily waived the UKIP flag, voting UKIP will actually not stop farm subsidies.


I didn't happily wave any flag, I was incorrect in my assumption that leaving the EU would stop farm subsidies, but like I said, it appears that UKIP would replace CAP with other subsidies.

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I didn't happily wave any flag, I was incorrect in my assumption that leaving the EU would stop farm subsidies, but like I said, it appears that UKIP would replace CAP with other subsidies.


Fair enough, it takes a lot of guts to admit you're wrong, thanks.

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thats because cap wasnt around in your grandfathers day, we only been in eu for 40ish years, in your grandfathers, day, farmers farmed, today they are paid NOT to farm!!



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


your arrogance is only overshadowed by your complete lack of knowledge on the subject. my grandfather farmed right up until his death only recently, he did not receive a subsidy and was not rich by any means.


you are completely wrong on this subject.

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Originally Posted by dawny1970


thats because cap wasnt around in your grandfathers day, we only been in eu for 40ish years, in your grandfathers, day, farmers farmed, today they are paid NOT to farm!!



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


your arrogance is only overshadowed by your complete lack of knowledge on the subject. my grandfather farmed right up until his death only recently, he did not receive a subsidy and was not rich by any means.


you are completely wrong on this subject.


so he didnt own the land or never claimed cap?!



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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I have met 2 sons of farmers in my life time, - to be fair one was pretty open about the fact that his family did well out of it. The other was always going on about how they weren't rolling in money. During the time I was at Uni with him his parents built a large extension, remodelled their home and had built a private swimming pool.


As the son of a Sheffield Steelworker it definitely made me rethink whether or not I was prepared to accept the claims that British farmers are really struggling.

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