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Today is 25th anniversary of Lockerbie bombing.

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At long last the very first thing I have introduces has actually been looked into, and run with. The information as stated is very old, and the next question people should ask, is why has the lie, been continued, when the authorities, and many of the relatives of the bombing also knew, and have been asking questions ever since the court case.


IT WAS A CONSPIRACY, lots of cash was paid to witnesses, and it was all documented just after the trial where so much evidence was known to be fabricated as well. Private Eye did a special edition, and as most hear of the magazine when it gets it wrong and faced legal action, it just night me a good reference.


The amount of corruption in the UK is staggering, from councils and managers in NHS education all with snouts in the trough. The humor is sometimes dire, but overall someone has to shout even it only a few hear it. Its stories, or investigative journalism is a rare thing these days, and what is in it, often takes a good year or two, to be written in the rest of the press.


It is better than the web could ever be, although narrow in its horizons, being mainly a UK perspective. If you want to read about corruption, and how the important and famous conspire to be greed self serving while pretending to be respectable and upstanding representatives of society, and no theory at all, its a worrying read

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The atrocity of the bombing of Pan Am 103, as can be seen by the lack of response on here, pre - dates the internet era and the media hype that subsequent atrocities receive, but is the worst act of terror in the UK to date.

A disgusting and despicable cowardly act carried out by scum like creatures that terrorists generally are !

The 270 victims of all ages, the vast majority of whom were blown out of the sky in December 1988, included a 17 year old girl from Sheffield .... RIP


Who do you think did it, Libya or Syria?


Stupid to arrest one man and imprison him when it was obvious he was acting on orders from his government. It's like arresting one pilot from the bomber crew than blew up German damns then show trialing him as the dambusters mastermind.

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Ghadaffi would have paid double or more to have the USA off his back. He tortured for them and the UK, as he controlled the Libyan purse, which came for the purest oil, which cost around $2 to extract, as opposed to Saud not so pure and around $80 to extract.


In a global game, allowing people to be sacrificed for the greater good is far from new, and with only two, and a bit of small change dished out, and speaking the lies the US and UK wanted him to say was enough. Blair welcomed his oil, embraced him, as it was all part of a bigger game, and the public wants monsters to scare each other with and he is/was convenient.


The real monsters murder, destroy, pollute, with a pen, dressed in expensive suits, and hide behind the Saddam's and Ghadaffi's as it convenient. Scapegoating abroad, and in the UK with immigrants, single mother, those on benefits, is not new, and the masses love victims to vilify. Simplistic explanations is what the majority of people want, not details where clarity might paint a different picture. Lynch mobs like it cut and dried!

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Ghadaffi would have paid double or more to have the USA off his back. He tortured for them and the UK, as he controlled the Libyan purse, which came for the purest oil, which cost around $2 to extract, as opposed to Saud not so pure and around $80 to extract.


In a global game, allowing people to be sacrificed for the greater good is far from new, and with only two, and a bit of small change dished out, and speaking the lies the US and UK wanted him to say was enough. Blair welcomed his oil, embraced him, as it was all part of a bigger game, and the public wants monsters to scare each other with and he is/was convenient.


The real monsters murder, destroy, pollute, with a pen, dressed in expensive suits, and hide behind the Saddam's and Ghadaffi's as it convenient. Scapegoating abroad, and in the UK with immigrants, single mother, those on benefits, is not new, and the masses love victims to vilify. Simplistic explanations is what the majority of people want, not details where clarity might paint a different picture. Lynch mobs like it cut and dried!


Your usual facile explanation laden with excuses, Blair, oil etc etc and then meandering off into the subject of immigrants, single mothers and welfare recipients.


The perpetrators had ties to Libya... the same Libya which back then was training IRA terrorists.

Every family which lost a loved one on that flight finally receiving the greatest insult of all when the haggis eaters released the man who was part of it "because he had terminal cancer" They needed their stupid heads examined and it's only a pity that none of the people involved in the decsion to release him had lost a family member on that flight also

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