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Things that can make you grumpy

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Adverts for perfume at Christmas and cars during the rest of the year.



A perfume advert will make no sense at all and will feature a tiny breasted tart waffling on about how it's going to be her day before some fake walls fall down and she storms out in a huff before a stupid french accent tells you what it is but in french. Pour Homme. Get lost. Get lost now. I'm going to be different! I really am. I'm going to do it by wearing a perfume that 1 million other people will wear. I will not be the person people expect me to be!! I really won't. Oh no. Today I'm going to flounce out of a room. I will, just watch me. Here I go. Bet you didn't expect that do you. I told you I would be different. Fetch us a cup of tea. Cheers. All this flouncing has made me thirsty. Must be the perfume getting in my throat.



Car adverts that promise an "new driving experience" do you use a wheel and drive on the roads with it? Oh right, sorry I thought you had invented a hover car, now that would be ACE, but no it's just a car being chased by paintballs. Other ones promise "all new levels of comfort" but fail to include a high backed armchair in front of a fire with a large scotch and a decent book in their "comfort" list. The ones that really do my nut in are those ads that show cars driving along deserted city roads with the ever so good looking people in the front seats smiling and laughing as they drive around free from any cares in the world, even the uglier ones in the back are smiling as though being driven in a car is the highlight of their miserable lives. Oh look, I'm on my own in a car on an empty road, what's that up ahead? Another car the same as mine but slightly different, lets race very slowly before I lose you and then you can indicate left for a bit before me and a mate pop up behind you and take you roughly over the bonnet because that's what they are suggesting you billowy tart.

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I would start a topic on it but we all know what will happen to that.


Ok Ill try again,


I wasn't too pleased today when some fellow human beings from Eastern Europe relieved my mother in law of her purse while she was in a charity shop in the town center.


Although I am sure they are very nice people they did manage to make me slightly grumpy today with their actions.

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I would start a topic on it but we all know what will happen to that.


Ok Ill try again,


I wasn't too pleased today when some fellow human beings from Eastern Europe relieved my mother in law of her purse while she was in a charity shop in the town center.


Although I am sure they are very nice people they did manage to make me slightly grumpy today with their actions.


Well at least it was caught on cctv. ;)

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Well at least it was caught on cctv. ;)


I'm hoping it was, One asked her the price of something that had the price on it while the other one whisked out of the shop with the purse :(


I can not see much coming of it, she cancelled her cards and stuff right away just in case.


Oh well, its not like she did not know what they are like, its been on the news enough lol

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