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Things that can make you grumpy

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The law of this land,we need a new system like brig back hanging,birch

That's all it needs,, will stop and make people think before a lot of crime is done

The law in the uk is one big joke :|


I agree mate, what makes me mad is people who constantly, try or indeed find excuses for the murdering, raping law breaking scum; that inhabit our fair earth.


Perhaps if burglars were deprived of say one hand for their deeds, it may make them think about going into someones house and ruining lives. As it says in the bible an eye for an eye, if you take a life(murder), you should be prepared to forfeit your own.

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People who think like this.


Don't you mean people like this who are correct in what they say.:huh:


---------- Post added 22-12-2013 at 13:20 ----------


I agree mate, what makes me mad is people who constantly, try or indeed find excuses for the murdering, raping law breaking scum; that inhabit our fair earth.


Perhaps if burglars were deprived of say one hand for their deeds, it may make them think about going into someones house and ruining lives. As it says in the bible an eye for an eye, if you take a life(murder), you should be prepared to forfeit your own.


All well said.:thumbsup:

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People who go on about bringing back capital punishment or chopping peoples hands off without acknowledging that they just watched yet another story on the news about police corruption, framing, falsified evidence, wrongful conviction, trial by media e.t.c.


Still, - you can always bring people back to life or sew their hands back on.......

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People who think like this.


I agree. It's like listening to the people in charge of one of those repressed, totalitarian/religious dictatorships or fascist states where they still hang people and chop their hands off. Knock on the door in the middle of the night, disappearances, summary executions...be careful what you wish for, Daily Mail readers.

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What makes me annoyed is the way everyone seems to be obsessed with football players and celebrities. why can't people have heroes to look up to that have done something worthwhile.


It is hardly worth purchasing a "serious" newspaper any longer and I have to switch radio 4 news off because all they ever talk about is people from other BBC programmes. The Earth could very well be colliding with a comet, but it would not knock Nigella from the top spot of the news. Even the so called "serious" news.

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Loved the original post, it made me laugh.


Things that make me grump:

Dozy people whether in cars, dawdling around shops or creeping along pavements

Dog crap everywhere/generally irresponsible dog owners

This government, and the one before that, and the one before that, and the...you get the message

High winds and driving rain

Mindless repetitive radio ads

Inanimate objects that wont behave themselves



Badly behaved and/or ugly children

People who tell you 'I'm seventy/eighty/ninety whatever' and expect you to give them a medal for not having died

Fat people who let it all (the fat that is) hang out


Apart from that I'm a pretty laid back, live and let live sort.

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After last night I'm adding a new one...people who can't go to the cinema and sit for 2.5 hours without checking their facebook & text messages every 10 minutes! There must have been 5 or 6 people doing it every so often you'd spot a bright light out of the corner of your eye.....really????


Oh and parents who let their kids wander off in shops and restaurants and then shout at them like it's their fault! There was one in TGI's yesterday...that really annoys me!

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At the time of writing I'm waiting for a well-known window/doors company to come and sort out my front door, they said after 12:00 today, I'm having bets with myself thinking they will not turn-up. Right now I'm thinking if I hit 'Post Quick Reply' within a few seconds the door bell will ring and work begins, if not then the door bell stays silent... oh the mental stress aargh!


Update: A guy arrived at around 4:30pm and the door was fixed by 5:00pm

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