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The British and ''being posh'': But are we really?

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Is ''Posh'' a mirage? What is it about we British and trying to look/be ''posh'' or ''rich''? Why are we so transparently and laughably pretentious as a nation? Especially those who try to refer to everything French or Italian in their social-climbing desperation? :loopy:


For those who think that they are ''posh'', which increasingly means mostly ''working class' people going by the tackiest Reality TV shows (or that repulsive and thick Kate woman) like 'Come Dine with Me' etc etc, does that mean that they are more intelligent, more witty and interesting then anyone else? After all, anyone can win millions and put on a tacky display?


Is it merely enforcing the slimiest pretence of wealth with lots of materialism, like wags, wag-wannabe's, footballers and footballer-wannabe's, and then surrounding themselves with brainless and dumb poseurs?


Or is there a worshipped chav show-off 'nobility' that dominates the media, reality shows, gossip mags and soaps? If so, god help us...

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It is supposed to mean 'Port out, Starboard Home'?


But I left it open to interpretation by posters? Each has a different connotation and so injects alternating viewpoints?


Would you like to say that in plain English, please? It's meaningless as it stands.

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*Sigh* No helping some people. :roll:


Yes, there is. It would help if you expressed yourself clearly, instead of trying to be clever and (ab)using lexis such as 'connotation' which you don't understand.


Why didn't you simply frame your question :What does 'posh' mean to you, and are we getting more or less posh, as a nation? You're assuming that we are, but offer no real evidence, merely some stereotypes of people you think aspire to be posh...but they may not be typical of Britons generally.

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Yes, there is. It would help if you expressed yourself clearly, instead of trying to be clever and (ab)using lexis such as 'connotation' which you don't understand.

Well, because you find it difficult to read, don't blame others and be contrary, sarcastic and inaccurate because you don't seem to like questions being asked about society.

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Well, because you find it difficult to read, don't blame others and be contrary, sarcastic and inaccurate because you don't seem to like questions being asked about society.


I am very much in favour of questions being asked about society and it wasn't difficult to read, just difficult to follow. It helps if the person asking the questions writes posts which make sense.


Kindly explain what I have said that you consider inaccurate.

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