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The British and ''being posh'': But are we really?

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The recent Xmas Come Dine with Me on C4, featuring ''celebs'' emphasized some of this for me.


A really pretentious 'model', Jasmyn something-or-other (an ordinary girl 'made good'?), took every pathetic occasion to show off and be as nasty and stuck-up about Northerners/Working classes/other 'celebs' etc.


Vacuous, pretentious and cheap, despite the airs and desperate, transparent graces.

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The recent Xmas Come Dine with Me on C4, featuring ''celebs'' emphasized some of this for me.


A really pretentious 'model', Jasmyn something-or-other (an ordinary girl 'made good'?), took every pathetic occasion to show off and be as nasty and stuck-up about Northerners/Working classes/other 'celebs' etc.


Vacuous, pretentious and cheap, despite the airs and desperate, transparent graces.


If you watch that stuff you are definitely working class, what is next, Jeremy kyle? By God, what is this country coming too.


Now, if you'll excuse me, I have partridges in the oven and Fufu needs her Burberry coat for our walk in the park!

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If you watch that stuff you are definitely working class, what is next, Jeremy kyle? By God, what is this country coming too.


Now, if you'll excuse me, I have partridges in the oven and Fufu needs her Burberry coat for our walk in the park!

Fufu? *sniggers* that's definitely not a posh name for a dog ;)


The aristocracy and above are obviously posh, and the upper middle classes. Celebs we might all know who are posh are Maggie Smith, Joanna Lumley, Hugh Grant, Alexander Armstrong, Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie, David Mitchell, just off the top of me 'ead, like :D


You can be stupid and skint and still be posh, or rich and well educated and common as muck. It's one of those nebulous states of being that we all recognise but find it hard to describe. Generally, 'posh' refers to English people, not Irish, Scottish or Welsh, and the people who aspire to be 'posh' without the right credentials make themselves open to ridicule. And yes, it's all a bit snobby, imo. Be happy with who you are and where you came from, lot less stress.

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