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P&O ferry minicruises, have you been?

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As said, drive to Hull and pay to park at the ferry port. Book an extra night in dam else you only have about seven hours. You can take food on the ferry but they do search you bags for alcohol and won't let you take any on board, they even sniffed my girlfriends water bottle! they sell duty free but you have to pick it up when you get off so you can't drink it. There isn't as deal to do on the ferry apart from drink and you don't want to spend and time in your cabin, it makes a prison cell look like three Ritz! Pay the Little extra for an outside cabin. You really do spend a bloody long time on the ferry, it's ok if you've not done it before but the novelty soon wears off!

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I have to disagree. I think the mini cruises are great. For a ferry journey of around 12 hours (most of which is overnight so you are sleeping) I think there is quite a bit to do. A handful of bars, some with entertainment, a cinema, a small electronic gaming area, two restaurants, a coffee bar and a couple of shops I think its perfectly acceptable.


The cabins are rather primative but you cannot forget you are on a ferry not a cruise ship. I found them perfectly acceptable for an overnight kip each has a private bathroom/shower. Anyone who has been on a sleeper train will think they are massive compared!


I do however agree that if you want a proper time in Amsterdam you are best adding an extra night otherwise you are limited to one or two activities before having to get back to port.

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