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Pain in my throat for the last 4 months or so

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I think a blood test would give some clue to if throat cancer is present and im sure the doc would send you for tests if there were concerns.


Of course seek a second opinion but as the doctor hasn't sent you for some tests look at it as a positive thing, they know the signs.


You should have faith in your doctor, but never have absolute faith in them.


Don't ever think that your doctor knows best. If you have any doubts at all then ask to see a specialist.

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I am alive because my GP was smart enough to know that something wasn't quite right when she examined me and referred me on, even though once I got a diagnosis my tumour is so rare that most GPs will never meet one in any of their patients (there are only 5 places in the country that would treat me for it, aren't I lucky that I live in the same city as one of them?).


Doctors can make mistakes and they can also treat something as a mundane and trivial illness when it actually needs a referral for someone more specialised to take a look.


If your symptoms have not improved with the current treatment then please do go back and tell your GP that this hasn't worked and you'd like a specialised opinion because of how long it's been going on.


I hope you have an answer (and it's something simple and really easily treated) soon :)

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Yes if you have a problem with your Thyroid whether under active or over ,especially if it's caused by Auto immune .You get pain as the antibodies attack the Thyroid . Have you got any other symptoms eg fatigue ,sweating ,no appetite or a bigger appetite . Has your weight changed for no reason . See another Gp if you get no satisfaction . Enjoy Christmas .If you get your Thyroid tested get bloods done as early in the morning as possible .

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