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Why Can't Banks Fail?

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Well, seeing as more and more banks are getting more and more wealthy, just sucking blood from our very souls.


Why oh why can't these banksters get what's coming to them, multi national conglomerates are effectively invincible :suspect:


People will not care less if their bank fails, because the monitory system is a corrupted sinking ship beyond repair.


Governments will never let them fail, they will never get their funding otherwise and money always starts in a bank and finishes at a bank, unless you have the world's biggest piggy bank of course :hihi:


So I propose this, the police or law makers of our towns should all get together, rack up on banks and governments and frog march their posh behinds to the nearest public hell hole and hang them, there, just got rid of most of society's problems :hihi:

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Let's give you some insight into what would happen if our (as in my wife and mine) banks fail from one day to the other:


We'd either lose our house, or at least the price would drop like a brick. A 60-70% mortgage that we'd have to find another lender for in a hurry, with lots of other people doing the same thing at the same time, whilst others are having their house foreclosed because their mortgage is higher?


Our pensions would drop in value immediately, whether they are managed by that bank or not, the stock market would crash so fast that there is no way pensions would remain at a decent level.


Our savings with that bank would be guaranteed by the bank, but we'd still have to go through a rotten process to get the money secured somewhere else.


Payments between different banks would be hit, potentially causing a ripple effect with business relying on money coming in through direct debits failing as they are struggling to get all the paper work sorted out.


So, lets not have banks failing. Force consumer banks into a true cooperative form would be my solution.

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Well, there are real viable alternatives to the monitory system if people can manage to detach their life support money obsessions.


Credit is often essential in running a business, how would you manage to ensure that this credit is available without the banks?

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We'd either lose our house, or at least the price would drop like a brick. A 60-70% mortgage that we'd have to find another lender for in a hurry, with lots of other people doing the same thing at the same time, whilst others are having their house foreclosed because their mortgage is higher?



I don't think so.


You would just continue paying off you outstanding mortgage to whoever it had been sold/passed on to.

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Can growth really go on for ever? Is it a good thing anyway?


We live in a finite world, and more people are coming on line who quite rightly want a fair share of what it has to offer.

With more people to share it, that means we will all have to do with a bit less but we will all still have enough if it's done right, and the world will be a better place.


Dividing us up into 1% of super rich and 99% of seriously poor is not the right way to do it.

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I don't think so.


You would just continue paying off you outstanding mortgage to whoever it had been sold/passed on to.


Fact is that if one big bank in the UK fails, more will fail. There won't be many to take over mortgages in a hurry, not only that, lots of people will try to panic sell their house, it will definitely impact on house prices negatively.

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