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War is essential for economic prosperity..

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Communism was the most profitable invention for the growing might of powerful western corporate interests, and that was until, the USSR declared itself bankrupt. With no significant enemy, justification for continued corporate expansion looked bleak.

Regan and his cronies, came up with the war on drugs, in which the CIA and its various covert wars, were given legal and media legitimacy. Overthrowing Third and emerging second world South American countries at least stabilised the tax money fuelling the corporate coffers.


The USA needs war, like a junkie needs a fix, its industrial base is reliant of such imperial expansionism. The last President that called a halt to military foolishness, ended up with his head blown off. Prior to, and ever since the military spend has gone spiraling upwards, and is more powerful than the political controlling class, who they buy for hard cash. Everyone has a price, if not wealth, then power, influence, or status suffice.


There are two major powers resistant to US dictatorship, and a few other less powerful independent states, which are constantly being overtly threatened by the USA, as they are seen as a potential threat. A potential threat translates as anyone who disagrees or refuses to do as they are told, by the USA. Iran for instance was until recently threatened every week for years, to do as they are told, otherwise like others who disobeyed an immediate instruction, the country targeted is bombed into desolation. This is in addition to covert wars, where assassination, through coup-d'etat of various colors are instigated, through media puffs through explanations of popular uprisings.


The new Communism is of course terrorism, and like Communism ,Terrorism is springing up everywhere quite suddenly, and like Communism is a direct threat to US interests. The fact that unlike Communism with vast military forces confronting each other, the new Communism, terrorism consists of a few ram shackled bands of brothers, with no air force, no millions under arms, no military industrial powerhouse backing them, no clear plan of anything, who apparently threaten the whole of western civilisation, as we know it, requiring US bases to spring up all throughout Africa, the Middle East, Far East, Northern Europe, South America in fact encircling the globe. This vast military machine needs resources, hence the USA being thought of as a world economic powerhouse.


Complete world domination might require a staged nuclear war, China and Russia are militarily surrounded with Western Nuclear Deterrents, despite the fact

China: About 240 total warheads. Russia: Approximately 1,480 which many are left overs from the USSR.


Against this threat to humanity the free world peacekeepers have: United Kingdom: Total stockpile of up to 225. United States: Approximately 5,113 nuclear warheads France: Fewer than 300 operational warheads. India: Up to 100 nuclear warheads.

Israel: 200 nuclear warheads. Pakistan: 110 nuclear warheads. On top of that USA taps all communications globally, constant surveillance from every angle of every military movement on earth from satellite and constant high altitude flights. Plus drones in Africa, The Middle East, Afghanistan and who knows where.


So where is the real threat? How come there is a threat? Is the threat hyped up to justify military expansion and finance? The USA is in a position like in Iraq for a first strike, and has been advocated many times since WW2, but resisted by presidents, however imminent it seemed and was screamed for my the military. The US military hate Russia and China, as well as Iran, and see no problem with retaliation, as they surround every perceived threat. Its nice to know we are in safe hands.....

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Communism was the most profitable invention for the growing might of powerful western corporate interests, and that was until, the USSR declared itself bankrupt. With no significant enemy, justification for continued corporate expansion looked bleak.

Regan and his cronies, came up with the war on drugs, in which the CIA and its various covert wars, were given legal and media legitimacy. Overthrowing Third and emerging second world South American countries at least stabilised the tax money fuelling the corporate coffers.


The USA needs war, like a junkie needs a fix, its industrial base is reliant of such imperial expansionism. The last President that called a halt to military foolishness, ended up with his head blown off. Prior to, and ever since the military spend has gone spiraling upwards, and is more powerful than the political controlling class, who they buy for hard cash. Everyone has a price, if not wealth, then power, influence, or status suffice.


There are two major powers resistant to US dictatorship, and a few other less powerful independent states, which are constantly being overtly threatened by the USA, as they are seen as a potential threat. A potential threat translates as anyone who disagrees or refuses to do as they are told, by the USA. Iran for instance was until recently threatened every week for years, to do as they are told, otherwise like others who disobeyed an immediate instruction, the country targeted is bombed into desolation. This is in addition to covert wars, where assassination, through coup-d'etat of various colors are instigated, through media puffs through explanations of popular uprisings.


The new Communism is of course terrorism, and like Communism ,Terrorism is springing up everywhere quite suddenly, and like Communism is a direct threat to US interests. The fact that unlike Communism with vast military forces confronting each other, the new Communism, terrorism consists of a few ram shackled bands of brothers, with no air force, no millions under arms, no military industrial powerhouse backing them, no clear plan of anything, who apparently threaten the whole of western civilisation, as we know it, requiring US bases to spring up all throughout Africa, the Middle East, Far East, Northern Europe, South America in fact encircling the globe. This vast military machine needs resources, hence the USA being thought of as a world economic powerhouse.


Complete world domination might require a staged nuclear war, China and Russia are militarily surrounded with Western Nuclear Deterrents, despite the fact

China: About 240 total warheads. Russia: Approximately 1,480 which many are left overs from the USSR.


Against this threat to humanity the free world peacekeepers have: United Kingdom: Total stockpile of up to 225. United States: Approximately 5,113 nuclear warheads France: Fewer than 300 operational warheads. India: Up to 100 nuclear warheads.

Israel: 200 nuclear warheads. Pakistan: 110 nuclear warheads. On top of that USA taps all communications globally, constant surveillance from every angle of every military movement on earth from satellite and constant high altitude flights. Plus drones in Africa, The Middle East, Afghanistan and who knows where.


So where is the real threat? How come there is a threat? Is the threat hyped up to justify military expansion and finance? The USA is in a position like in Iraq for a first strike, and has been advocated many times since WW2, but resisted by presidents, however imminent it seemed and was screamed for my the military. The US military hate Russia and China, as well as Iran, and see no problem with retaliation, as they surround every perceived threat. Its nice to know we are in safe hands.....


Same dreary old monologue I see. If there was an award for wind and pizz you'd have no compettiton

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When the next un-tracked meteor of any size (say 10,000 metric tonnes) impacts North Korea, their leader

Kim Jong-un, will think the 'Western Imperial Pigs' are out to get him and so will launch all of his available

nuclear arsenal... ...You can fill in the remainder yourselves.

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slightly off topic here but i travelled to cuba earlier in the year and couldnt understand our tour guide wanting to stay there and be a school teacher. this lady could speak 7 different languages she was only in her 20s. i told her what she could achieve anywhere in the world with her talents. we toured the old sugar plantations and the history about its trade with russia and the backlash when they pulled out. we stayed overnight in a hotel in havana where famous american people stayed ans mafia type people. ive allways thought fidel casto was an evil man but now reading about this man i see a different person to what ive being led to believe. nice to see obama shake his brothers hand at mandelas funeral the other week.

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Yep - America has been a war with nearly everyone and expect it to continue.


Since the Second World War, the US government has bombed 21 countries:


China in 1945-46 and again in 1950-53,


Korea in 1950-53

In Korea, nearly 3 million civilians were murdered by the USA and its allies.


Civilians were murdered at No Gun Ri and many other places. The USA supported the fascist puppet regime in South Korea. The South Korean government carried out genocide against both North and South Korean people.


Guatemala in 1954, 1960, and 1967-69


Indonesia in 1958

Up to one million innocent civilians died in Indonesia after the CIA put Suharto into power in Indonesia. At least one third of the population of East Timor died after the USA gave Suharto permission to invade that country.


Vietnam in 1961-73

North Vietnam did not want a war. The US military-industrial complex made sure that there was a war. Through the Phoenix Program, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese were tortured to death in “interrogation centres”.

These torture centres were built by the United States. Women were always raped as part of the torture before being murdered. This terrorism, rape and mass-murder was the policy of the USA. The My Lai massacre itself was an operation of the Phoenix Program.

Up to 5 million Vietnamese were killed in the Vietnam war.


Congo in 1964.


Laos in 1964-73,The United States Air Force dropped the equivalent of a planeload of bombs every eight minutes for nine years on the people of Laos — from 1965 to 1973. Over 2,000,000 tons.This was some of the heaviest aerial bombardment in world history.


Peru in 1965


Cambodia in 1969-70


El Salvador throughout the 1980s


Nicaragua throughout the 1980s

Lebanon in 1983-84

Grenada in 1983

Bosnia in 1985

Libya in 1986

Panama in 1989

Iraq in 1991 until today.

Somalia in 1992, 1994

Sudan in 1998

Former Yugoslavia in 1999

Afghanistan in 1998, 2001 until today.


Good old USA..

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Yep - America has been a war with nearly everyone and expect it to continue.


Since the Second World War, the US government has bombed 21 countries:


China in 1945-46 and again in 1950-53,


Korea in 1950-53

In Korea, nearly 3 million civilians were murdered by the USA and its allies.


Civilians were murdered at No Gun Ri and many other places. The USA supported the fascist puppet regime in South Korea. The South Korean government carried out genocide against both North and South Korean people.


Guatemala in 1954, 1960, and 1967-69


Indonesia in 1958

Up to one million innocent civilians died in Indonesia after the CIA put Suharto into power in Indonesia. At least one third of the population of East Timor died after the USA gave Suharto permission to invade that country.


Vietnam in 1961-73

North Vietnam did not want a war. The US military-industrial complex made sure that there was a war. Through the Phoenix Program, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese were tortured to death in “interrogation centres”.

These torture centres were built by the United States. Women were always raped as part of the torture before being murdered. This terrorism, rape and mass-murder was the policy of the USA. The My Lai massacre itself was an operation of the Phoenix Program.

Up to 5 million Vietnamese were killed in the Vietnam war.


Congo in 1964.


Laos in 1964-73,The United States Air Force dropped the equivalent of a planeload of bombs every eight minutes for nine years on the people of Laos — from 1965 to 1973. Over 2,000,000 tons.This was some of the heaviest aerial bombardment in world history.


Peru in 1965


Cambodia in 1969-70


El Salvador throughout the 1980s


Nicaragua throughout the 1980s

Lebanon in 1983-84

Grenada in 1983

Bosnia in 1985

Libya in 1986

Panama in 1989

Iraq in 1991 until today.

Somalia in 1992, 1994

Sudan in 1998

Former Yugoslavia in 1999

Afghanistan in 1998, 2001 until today.


Good old USA..




Next target Sheffield in 2014. Special undercover top secret OPs job sanctioned by Cameron. Wants all the left wing whinging malcontents and embitteretd old Marxists gone but with no connection traced to Whitehall.


I'm gonna miss all the back and forth dialogue though :D

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Might you have missed out the covert wars, in South America, Africa, and elsewhere where UNCLE SAM leaves its wreath of deaths in its footprints.


May I congratulate you on minimising the death toll as it might make the Nuremburg Trials seem a waste of time, if not a joke with the benefit of hindsight?

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Might you have missed out the covert wars, in South America, Africa, and elsewhere where UNCLE SAM leaves its wreath of deaths in its footprints.


May I congratulate you on minimising the death toll as it might make the Nuremburg Trials seem a waste of time, if not a joke with the benefit of hindsight?


You must face the fact Erebus that you are a hypocrite. Stalin, whom you had a kind word or two for in another post was the biggest mass murderer in the 20th century. The number of Russians and people of other races who died under his regime surpassed that of Hitler.


I cannot have any respect for a person who so obviously blinkers himself to that fact since not once in your long diatribes have you so far mentioned this . Your one sided biased observations only place you in the category of someone who is hog tied politically to Marxist doctrines and old communist propaganda

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