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Flooding Problems Solved

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The answer is in the first place don,t build on a flood plain!,our old girl goes all giddy when she sees lovely riverside properties like a lot of other people.As a kid I lived a few hundred yards from the River Don and saw a good few floods in my childhood,one bad one filled both our cellars to the roof!.Another only a few years since washed away the old solid stone bridge at the back of Bassetts that had stood for around 150yrs,it even put the Wednesday ground under water(the best place for it!).A few years back we stayed on a caravan club site at Tewkesbury,on arrival you had to climb a stone staircase 10ft or so to the checking in office,the place was built on stone pillars and I wondered why.In the winter of the same year the town was on the news it was completely flooded several people loosing their lives one woman was found dead floating face down in a field!.All that area was a flood plain it happened nearly every year,where is the sense building in such an area,every house we have had has been on a hill,not by choice but I,m glad when I see pictures of the poor sods who have been flooded out several times some of them!.:roll::confused:

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Anybody seen the newly released environment agency flood maps that now indicate risk of flooding from surface water not just rivers and sea?


A lot of estates etc... will have been built with poor drainage design. So the flood risk is there too even if the rivers don't burst.

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Anybody seen the newly released environment agency flood maps that now indicate risk of flooding from surface water not just rivers and sea?


A lot of estates etc... will have been built with poor drainage design. So the flood risk is there too even if the rivers don't burst.


Too many houses built on so little land with no gardens to allow water to drain away.

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I think my idea has real promise and is more viable.


I think the ground floor of any flood property is a liability hence why building up is the only way to go.


I would say that maybe putting proper drainage routing round any property would also deflect the water elsewhere.


Now if you live in a very deep dip, you may be screwed :hihi:

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