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Israel builds more settlements

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Did "International Law" prevent the holocaust?


The more settlements Israel has, the more free the middle-east is. Because it is undeniably true that Israel is the freest state in the region. Try being a Palestinian and criticising Hamas and see what happens. Israelis can criticise their leaders all they want, just as we can in the west.

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Did "International Law" prevent the holocaust?


The more settlements Israel has, the more free the middle-east is. Because it is undeniably true that Israel is the freest state in the region. Try being a Palestinian and criticising Hamas and see what happens. Israelis can criticise their leaders all they want, just as we can in the west.


Take those blinkers off,Israel is in breach of numerous UN resolutions,they practice ethnic cleansing,even after all that has been done to them in the last war,they learn nothing from their own history.

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According to their critics Israel have been breaching international law for years, and yet nothing seems to be done about it. They have learnt from history, they aren't about to let themselves be wiped out again. And make no bones about it, there are many in the middle-east who would love to do just that.

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Did "International Law" prevent the holocaust?


The more settlements Israel has, the more free the middle-east is. Because it is undeniably true that Israel is the freest state in the region. Try being a Palestinian and criticising Hamas and see what happens. Israelis can criticise their leaders all they want, just as we can in the west.


The Palestinians should be able to run things how they wish, if this keeps going on they won't have anything left to run.


Whats it matter how free Israel is if they won't let anyone else live their own life's in freedom as they see fit ?


Israelis may be able to criticize their leaders, but how about Palestinians not being able to even live in their own lands as a consequence of that freedom ?

That's the issue.


---------- Post added 26-12-2013 at 01:07 ----------


According to their critics Israel have been breaching international law for years, and yet nothing seems to be done about it. They have learnt from history, they aren't about to let themselves be wiped out again. And make no bones about it, there are many in the middle-east who would love to do just that.


They who live in Israel are mostly not indigenous to the region are they ?


I think your getting the Jewish people of Europe and the people of the region mixed up when you say they won't be 'wiped out' again.


Its our fault for ever thinking such a coexistence could flourish, we should never have thought the place could be left to a people that have such a huge persecution complex, the place should have had some sort of international Peace keeping arrangement from the off.

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Are British people "indigenous" to Britain? No? Then Palestinian people are not "indigenous" to Palestine. They lost the war. Then they've been committing terroristic acts for the past 60 years or more. Why on earth should Israel acquiesce to their wishes? Why don't the Palestinians try something else, since fighting the Israelis doesn't seem to be getting them anywhere whatsoever. If they tried offering peace and doing business with their Jewish neighbours I think they'd be a lot better off.

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Here we go again,the illegal building of Jewish settlements on land that doesn't belong to the Jewish state,in contravention of the UN and international law,when will they ever abide by the norms of international law??




The necessity for a Jewish homeland may never have taken place had it not been for your fellow travelers, the Nazis who wiped out six million of them.

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