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Older children put to bed early


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Up to been about 12yrs old I had to go to bed early with my two younger brothers. As my youngest brother was only a baby and my other brother was two years younger my Mother liked us all to go to bed at the same time. Bathtime would would usually usually start after our evening meal about 5pm and we would all be bathed and ready for bed in our pyjamas by 6pm. We would then be put to bed at 7-00pm, some nights bedtime could be as early as 6-00pm if our parents were going out for the evening. Am I the only one who had to go to bed this early as a child or do other people remember 'early bedtimes'. I don't think bedtimes this early happen now as this was in the late 60's when this happened.

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We were all different ages and went to bed at different times. The earliest memory I have is going to bed at 8. Then it went to 9 and eventually 10 when I was about 13-14. After that no rules but we had to respect school nights.


Mine also went to bed at reasonable times on school nights, but I was very relaxed at weekends.

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