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Who's on Facebook?

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Well, considering Google has as much concern for your privacy as a tabloid newspaper.


I felt much better coming off it when I did, I was writing things that was speaking my mind but others had no time for it, I was also taking things too literally when I posted stuff and people not replying, when other people had certain status information just to wind you up like posts about when and where they were every moment of the day, and people bragging about their family and kids and changing relationship statuses quicker than you can say cast away.


It is not the best place to air your problems as it got me to the point of not wanting to live or even heading off abroad and never coming back, seeing family posting stuff to just wind you up, like some sort of power game, I also think that people who use that can get hooked in a negative way, like being dependent on it.[/QUOTseek

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FB genuinely is what you make it, allow idiots and it becomes banal. Most people feel obliged to accept friend requests from all and sundry, i don't even have my family on mine as that's not what i use it for. :)


That is exactly what I use it for though :) We used to have a family forum for all Zijlstra's, but once most of them were on Facebook it got replaced due to ease of use. It is the only reason I am still on it to be honest.

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If Facebook annoys you then why doesn't Sheffield Forum? It's basically the same, people either complaining or bragging about their lives and posting otherwise pointless or stupid stuff.


It's very similar, I enjoy looking through Facebook so I can troll idiot single moms who annoy me when they post thousands of pictures of their stupid kids and say how proud they are because it managed not to crap itself for a few hours.

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I'm on facebook and have made friends all over the world, not actual friends that i'll ever meet but more like the 'pen pals' of years ago!!


I collect airguns and have come in contact with loads of people that have the same interests, we help each other with problems with our guns and i've even managed to buy a few at very good prices!!


I'm also on Twitter but very rarely use it...


I get loads of friends requests but some you seem to be able to tell that they're not quite right, look at their wall and the account has no history so they get the elbow!!


I got one today from a chap in Egypt! Not a word was in English so i'm afraid he got the knock back too!!




Biggsy :)

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I love Facebook.

I keep in touch with my workmates, handy if I need to contact them to swap a shift or anything. I also keep in touch with fellow WW members, we have our own group where we swap recipes, update on our success etc, its really good and gives us that extra bit of support and motivation.

I am also in another group in which people post old and new photos of parts of Sheffield, very interesting.

I like to have a good nosey about what my friends are doing, and seeing pictures of their families, pets etc.

There are lots of good games to play as well, and i can compare scores with other Facebook friends.

I hate it when someone posts things like "I'm livid" or something similar without giving any further information, thereby inviting me to ask. I never "bite", just ignore it.

I hate it when people deliberately spell words incorrectly too!

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If Facebook annoys you then why doesn't Sheffield Forum? It's basically the same, people either complaining or bragging about their lives and posting otherwise pointless or stupid stuff.


It's very similar, I enjoy looking through Facebook so I can troll idiot single moms who annoy me when they post thousands of pictures of their stupid kids and say how proud they are because it managed not to crap itself for a few hours.


But it's not as already said facebook is what you make of it, if you want to add people that are idiots or brag about things then that's what it is.


People that moan about facebook being like this are as bad as the people that do the bragging and moaning.

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