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BBC Christmas absolute rubbish


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Skyfall wasn't on Christmas day. I think if BBC had shown it on Christmas night it would have done more viewers than what they actually showed.


Edit: Saying that, I know ITV had have exclusive rights to the Bond movies for some time now.


ITV have exclusive on Bond, plus with it being British made it comes to TV quicker.


ITV would never show it on Christmas Day as it is generally a bad time to advertise, people don't want to buy stuff on Christmas Day as too busy with guests etc. Christmas Eve works as people at home, often without guests, and firms roll out the sales ads. That is why we now get two hours of soaps on Xmas Day, it fills the schedule.

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ITV have exclusive on Bond, plus with it being British made it comes to TV quicker.


ITV would never show it on Christmas Day as it is generally a bad time to advertise, people don't want to buy stuff on Christmas Day as too busy with guests etc. Christmas Eve works as people at home, often without guests, and firms roll out the sales ads. That is why we now get two hours of soaps on Xmas Day, it fills the schedule.

Dont get me on about soaps,,,it just bewilders me how people can actually sit through these mind numbing fairy diary land programs they must have far too much time on their hands to waste their lives watching that dross...

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It seems to have become a bit of a tradition in this country to have crap telly at Christmas, like gaudy jumpers and mince pies.

I've kept myself entertained mainly by listening to the Radio - particularly Radio 4 extra. It's the way forward.

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I started to watch Still open all hours, but the canned audience laughter put me right off.


Yes I tried to watch that show as well but the ridiculous canned laughter annoyed me that much I turned it over you can just imagine some worker there with the turn switch turning at every supposed funny point ,canned laughter and annoying background music really puts me off the programs,do the producers think we need prompting to laugh surely if a program is funny enough we can laugh for ourselves.

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Christmas Tv doesn't really bother me as its not the be all and end all of the period, the BBC put out specials of its most popular shows which is all you can expect them to do really, the only one I really object to is the regular misery-fest that is Eastenders the BBC should be truly ashamed (as should anyone that watches it) to put such a dreary, depressing programme on on a evening that should be one of the highlights of a families year.


I wont comment on the awful output from ITV as I rarely watch it at any time of the year.

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I started to watch Still open all hours, but the canned audience laughter put me right off.


After last years "effort" I wasn't even going to try the new one.


TBH we've racked up enough hours of recorded tv to do us OK this Xmas. We don't watch a lot usually, maybe 2 hours a night so whenever there are decent series' on we record them and watch at leisure.

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After last years "effort" I wasn't even going to try the new one.


TBH we've racked up enough hours of recorded tv to do us OK this Xmas. We don't watch a lot usually, maybe 2 hours a night so whenever there are decent series' on we record them and watch at leisure.


Common sense all too lacking on this thread.

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