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Anti semetic or anti zionist?

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im not sure tbh, could be either, seems to be strong views on both sides about what the gesture means


Jewish groups had complained to French president Francois Hollande about Dieudonne's trademark gesture, which they described as a "Nazi salute in reverse". They linked it to increasing anti-Semitic remarks and acts in France.


In return Dieudonne has threatened to sue the groups for calling it a Nazi salute. He calls it "la quenelle" - a word for a fish dumpling - and says it stands for his anti-Zionist and anti-establishment views, rather than anti-Semitism.


is there really some anti zionist gesture or is it really a "disguised" nazi salute and hes telling porkies?


france really seems to have big issues with nazis, anti semetism, and muslim related issues

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Informative article here about the anti-Semitic background to the salute; http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/blog/nick/

ah cheers, not sure how biased or unbiased that is, coming from anti fascists tbh

but two things stuck out on it if true


French politics, a development which has seen him become increasingly marginal culturally and increasingly shrill in his antisemitism, denying the Holocaust, blaming Jews for the slave trade and more generally for the oppression of the Black and Arab peoples


Pursuing a solo career on stage, his one man shows have been noted for their degeneration into antisemitic vitriol, leading to intense controversy and a string of prosecutions and fines for Dieudonné. Perhaps his most infamous antisemitic provocation came in 2008 when veteran French Holocaust denier Robert Faurisson (q.v.) was given a “heroism” award presented by one of Dieudonné’s assistant’s assistants dressed as a concentration camp inmate replete with yellow star. Faurrison and Dieudonné subsequently appeared together in a video mocking the Holocaust, the commemoration of which Dieudonné denounces as “memorial pornography”.


IF true then alelka needs shooting as well as the "comedian" and west brom should have action taken against them

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Nicolas Anelka’s friend, Dieudonné, has multiple convictions for racial offences. Why would Anelka count him as a friend?




"Despite several convictions for anti-Semitic remarks, Dieudonné has strayed once again over the boundary between self-proclaimed anti-Zionism and outright provocation. During his one-man show, he attacked Patrick Cohen, a Jewish radio journalist who has publicly criticised him. Dieudonné said: “When the wind turns, I don’t think he’ll have time to pack a suitcase. When I hear Patrick Cohen talking, you see, I think of gas ovens.” France Inter, the radio station for which Mr Cohen works, has brought a case against Dieudonné for provoking racial hatred."


What a nasty person Dieudonné is.

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Nicolas Anelka’s friend, Dieudonné, has multiple convictions for racial offences. Why would Anelka count him as a friend?






What a nasty person Dieudonné is.

after reading le maquis's link above, and my following quote, seems he is, maybe anelka thinks along similer lines i dont know


personally speaking its the first ive heard about Dieudonne and this "gesture" aswell.

but if its all true, Anelka AND his team shouldnt be bringing it over to this country and gloryfying it?


my original question about whether its anti semetic or purely a political anti zionist gesture seems a little redundant when you look into his background?

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Well this news has certainly raised the profile of this "comedian", I'd never heard of him or the Quenelle gesture before Anelka's antics.


Dieudonné seems to have dipped his toes into most political ideologies before embarking on his present course. Maybe he just sees which way the political wind is blowing at any one time and changes his act to suit.


His first foray into showbusiness was performing and writing routines alongside his Jewish childhood friend.


Seems a bit of an oddball but if it was publicity he wanted then he owes Anelka a fiver.

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