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Anti semetic or anti zionist?

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I'm not sure there isn't anything that you can do that won't upset them.


Maybe they should draw up a long list of everything they find offensive and then we can tip toe round them in our daily lives.


If I want to grow a square moustache, take great big strides when I walk and hold my arm out straight to keep the sun out of my eyes I will.


I'm weary of it all.

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I'm not sure there isn't anything that you can do that won't upset them.


Maybe they should draw up a long list of everything they find offensive and then we can tip toe round them in our daily lives.


If I want to grow a square moustache, take great big strides when I walk and hold my arm out straight to keep the sun out of my eyes I will.


I'm weary of it all.


I'm sure if you have any neighbours who fought in ww2 they'll find it hilarious. Anelka May or may not get hammered by the FA - he will and should get hammered by the court of public opinion. Of course he has the right to offend and we are allowed to be offended without the rozzers getting involved. We also have the right to call Anelka (the slap headed has been )and his mate antisemitic, media whoring half wits.

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I'm sure if you have any neighbors who fought in ww2 they'll find it hilarious.


Maybe they will be of the opinion that I have the right to do as I please, seems as I would be exorcizing my freedom that they had fought for, rather than oppress me in a different way ?


Not everyone is as up tight about the past, some people live for today.

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Maybe they will be of the opinion that I have the right to do as I please, seems as I would be exorcizing my freedom that they had fought for, rather than oppress me in a different way ?


Not everyone is as up tight about the past, some people live for today.


Of course you have the right. You have the right to be stupid too, and you appear to be giving that a good go.

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im not sure tbh, could be either, seems to be strong views on both sides about what the gesture means




is there really some anti zionist gesture or is it really a "disguised" nazi salute and hes telling porkies?


france really seems to have big issues with nazis, anti semetism, and muslim related issues


I find racism dispicable but I am always confused as to why the Jews have a specific word that means discrimination against them yet no other group has this to the rest of society its just racism.

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I find racism dispicable but I am always confused as to why the Jews have a specific word that means discrimination against them yet no other group has this to the rest of society its just racism.


You don't know? Try reading some history.

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If its my right then what do you have the problem with ?


Because it's a crappy thing to do. I have a right to be a spiteful sod but choose not to. Just because you want to be antisemitic and dress as a nazi doesn't make you funny or clever just because you are exercising your rights. It's just makes you an arse.

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