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Yet another bomb in Volgograd.

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I thought you were referring to the srebrenica massacre of Muslim men and boys= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Srebrenica_massacre


I referred to nothing.

However it can't have escaped anyone's notice that there have been retaliations even in the UK. It won't surprise me to find other retaliations around the world with less and less people being appalled by it.

I suspect a lot of innocent Muslims will pay the price for the excesses of a few.


---------- Post added 31-12-2013 at 00:13 ----------


Let me get this right, that's a solution..Serbian type atrocities?


I didn't say that. You did. But if you think it will help.

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Why don't you keep your sarcasm for the people who you are arguing with,you nasty little person.


Thanks for that stellar contribution..as they say, if you cant stand the heat keep out of the kitchen.


---------- Post added 31-12-2013 at 02:50 ----------


Paradise after death is part of their belief, it's described in the Qur'an. If you don't believe it, read the Qur'an.
Paradise after death is central to many religious doctrines, however it isn't bestowed on believers who commit suicide.
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I didn't say that. You did. But if you think it will help.


So even though I didn't imply or think it, you're agreeing with your own premise that I made obvious, by beginning the statement with "But"..


"The rest of the world gets tired of Islam and its bombers and reacts like Serbia" is pretty conclusive evidence you think ethnic cleansing would help. So yes, you did say it. As I said, the West did react but I guess you just ignored it.


I don't think it will be too long before the rest of the world gets rather tired of Islam and its suicide bombers and reacts rather like Serbia did.


Serbia butchered and murdered. The West gets tired and reacts like Serbia did. Get it?

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Unlike the west, Russia has no hang-ups about inflicting justiable retribution on the people that attack it. They will unleash hell on Dagestan.


Will that include bombing wedding parties and dismembering children like we do in Pakistan?

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Unlike the west, Russia has no hang-ups about inflicting justiable retribution on the people that attack it. They will unleash hell on Dagestan.


And when they have finished they will be targeted by bombers again, the cycle of violence will carry on.

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And when they have finished they will be targeted by bombers again, the cycle of violence will carry on.


One thing you cannot do is reason with someone who is willing to kill themselves for an ideology, they are left with nothing else they can do but to retaliate.


The cycle of violence won't stop just because the Russians do nothing, if anything it will increase.


What ever anyone may think of how we have handled places like Afghanistan and Iraq ect, its nothing to how the Russians do things. We make mistakes granted but at least the majority is targeted, Russia will just (has someone has said) want retribution.

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Paradise after death is central to many religious doctrines, however it isn't bestowed on believers who commit suicide.


It isn't bestowed on anyone because it doesn't exist, but that doesn't stop the believer believing that dying to further the cause of Islam will give them access to paradise.


Your beliefs are irrelevant, it is their belief that matters, and they believe that blowing themselves up along with their enemy is martyrdom for which they will be granted great pleasures in paradise.


---------- Post added 31-12-2013 at 06:53 ----------



"The rest of the world gets tired of Islam and its bombers and reacts like Serbia" is pretty conclusive evidence you think ethnic cleansing would help. So yes, you did say it. As I said, the West did react but I guess you just ignored it.





Only if you are an idiot, most sensible people won't come to that conclusion.

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Thanks for that stellar contribution..as they say, if you cant stand the heat keep out of the kitchen.---------- Post added 31-12-2013 at 02:50 ----------


Paradise after death is central to many religious doctrines, however it isn't bestowed on believers who commit suicide.

What has that got to do with your sarcasm but show your ignorance and malice.

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Every has some reason involved in it. No one will happily suicide ever. there might be something gone bad with that person or his country, but overall it is not the solution to launch a suicide attack on innocent people.. Such like things must be stopped.

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