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Yet another bomb in Volgograd.

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According to Mohammad Zarif, Iran foreign minister, Sectarian tension between Shia and Sunni Muslims is probably the most serious threat to world security. All we can do is let them get on with it and avoid importing it here.


“Some 11,000,000 Muslims have been violently killed since 1948, of which 35,000, or 0.3 percent, died during the sixty years of fighting Israel, or just 1 out of every 315 Muslim fatalities. In contrast, over 90 percent of the 11 million who perished were killed by fellow Muslims.”


I would hazard a guess that that rate of muslim killing muslim has rather accelerated in recent years.

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“Some 11,000,000 Muslims have been violently killed since 1948, of which 35,000, or 0.3 percent, died during the sixty years of fighting Israel, or just 1 out of every 315 Muslim fatalities. In contrast, over 90 percent of the 11 million who perished were killed by fellow Muslims.”


I would hazard a guess that that rate of muslim killing muslim has rather accelerated in recent years.


It could be a ploy to help them spread round the world, whilst they are killing each other they are also spreading round the world as refugees.


They couldn't be that organised could they? :suspect:

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Thats because you are failing to differentiate between suicide and martyrdom. :thumbsup:
Their scripture does not tell them that suicide is acceptable in the cause of martyrdom, quite the opposite because like all religious types they believe that life (and death) is a right bestowed on them by their maker, committing suicide is a direct affront to their god.

And again what you and I believe is irrelevant, its what the Islamist believes that causes them to blow themsleve up along with their enemy. Dying in glorious battle against the infidel as always be a road to paradise, according to the people that are happy to die to further their religious beliefs.

..probably the 3rd or 4th time I've said this...I was challenging a post here that implied this view was held by all Muslims. I'm quite sure suicide bombers believe their cause is a righteous one, however there is no scriptural justification or imperative for it.
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This is kind of relevant:


I saw this comment on another website by a Muslim living in the USA:


You know what the religious clerics at my Islamic school do to scare children into believing Islam? They take pictures of mutilated, burned, decayed, and other frightening dead bodies from the internet, compile them into a slideshow, place jihad music in the background and present it to them. They then brainwash the kids into believing this will happen to them as punishment from Allah if they disobey him. I stood up to these idiots and complained this was wrong in many ways and was also a form of mental abuse, I got kicked out. This is just disgusting and only solidified my disbelief in Islam. Just for the record, this is in the US. Edit; For those calling balls on this, things like these go on in wahhabi influenced mosques and institutions who's only job it is to spread bigotry and religious hatred. They will do anything to keep Muslims from integrating into western society.
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Their scripture does not tell them that suicide is acceptable in the cause of martyrdom, quite the opposite because like all religious types they believe that life (and death) is a right bestowed on them by their maker, committing suicide is a direct affront to their god.

..probably the 3rd or 4th time I've said this...I was challenging a post here that implied this view was held by all Muslims. I'm quite sure suicide bombers believe their cause is a righteous one, however there is no scriptural justification or imperative for it.


That's just what you want to believe I said, when in fact I didn't say all at any time, and once again they don't see it as suicide, they see it as dying to further the cause of Islam, which is permitted in the Islamic texts. Quite simply they wouldn't do it if they didn't interpret the holy texts in a way that allows it.


Muslim self-justification of suicide bombing lies in interpretation of jihad.

Muhammad promised those mujahideen who fight in a jihad war a reward of virgins in paradise.

Those conducting suicide bombings do not consider themselves dead but rather living with God. As sura 2:154 explains, "Do not think that those who are killed in the way of Allah are dead, for indeed they are alive, even though you are not aware." Therefore the prohibition on suicide need not apply to bus bombers or other kamikaze jihadists.

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This is kind of relevant:


I saw this comment on another website by a Muslim living in the USA:


Of course in many countries like Saudi you have no option. You are signed up to it from birth. If you question the indoctrination you are a blasphemer and sentenced to death.


This is an interesting document. Particularly the bits about mosques preaching hatred.



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That's just what you want to believe I said, when in fact I didn't all at any time,
Wrong again, I pointed out several times that the post I was challenging was the original one I quoted by Happ Hazzard, you subsequently latched onto my reply to him.



and once again they don't see it as suicide, they see it as dying to further the cause of Islam, which is permitted in the Islamic texts.

Suicide is not permitted in the Islam texts for the reasons I've described, even with my scant knowledge I've discovered that.

Quite simply they wouldn't do it if they didn't interpret the holy texts in a way that allows it.

I've never disagreed with this view, which I've said several times. The act of suicide in the name of Islam is only supported by the extremists, not all Muslims.
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Wrong again, I pointed out several times that the post I was challenging was the original one I quoted by Happ Hazzard, you subsequently latched onto my reply to him.



Suicide is not permitted in the Islam texts for the reasons I've described, even with my scant knowledge I've discovered that.

I've never disagreed with this view, which I've said several times. The act of suicide in the name of Islam is only supported by the extremists, not all Muslims.


Might this help?




All of these texts prohibiting suicide related to killing oneself for worldly motives such as pain or anguish or lack of patience, and not for raising aloft the Word of Allah. We have already cited the evidences for permitting a Mujahid to plunge into the enemy ranks without armour, and these exempt the Mujahid from the generality of the suicide texts. Can one then say that one who kills himself in order to lift the Word of Allah - to inflict losses on the enemy, to frighten them, and with a sincere intention - can we describe him as one committing suicide? That is a grave slander. We say that the prohibition of suicide is on account of its resulting from weakness or lack of faith, whereas the Mujahid in a martyrdom operation is killing himself on account of the strength of his faith. The boy in the account of the Trenches referred to in Surah al-Buruj effectively killed himself for such a reason, and his deed was praiseworthy. Similarly, the Prophet wished for death in the Path of Allah not once but thrice [the hadith was cited at the start of the article], and it was permissible because it was not on account of harm which had befallen him, but rather it emanated from strong faith. So, when the rationale of the prohibition of suicide becomes clear, one arrives at the conclusion that martyrdom operations are permissible and praiseworthy when undertaken for some religious benefit.

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Suicide is not permitted in the Islam texts for the reasons I've described, even with my scant knowledge I've discovered that.

The bit you are obstinately ignoring is that they don't belief it to be suicide, they actuality think that they will live on at Gods side in paradise.


I've never disagreed with this view, which I've said several times. The act of suicide in the name of Islam is only supported by the extremists, not all Muslims.


That's right and there are lots of Islamic extremists, Islam is interpreted differently by different Muslims, hence the sectarian violence between rival believers.

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