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Yet another bomb in Volgograd.

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Vladimir Putin vows 'total annihilation' of terrorists after Volgograd bombings.




Way to go Muslims. Not only did 9/11 ensure America invaded your countries, now you want to awaken the bear. Russia might not be as kind as America either. The Muslim extremists who still live in the 7th century have given Putin a green light for even more control over Russia.


Remember the Moscow theater hostage crisis?

When 40 Chechen Islamic extremists took 900 hostages. The Russians used gas on them and then stormed the building and executed every single one, even those that were unconscious. They also killed about 100+ hostages. Russians don`t care nearly as much about collateral damage as the rest of the world.


Edit for the wiki on it.


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Vladimir Putin vows 'total annihilation' of terrorists after Volgograd bombings.




Way to go Muslims. Not only did 9/11 ensure America invaded your countries, now you want to awaken the bear. Russia might not be as kind as America either. The Muslim extremists who still live in the 7th century have given Putin a green light for even more control over Russia.


Remember the Moscow theater hostage crisis?

When 40 Chechen Islamic extremists took 900 hostages. The Russians used gas on them and then stormed the building and executed every single one, even those that were unconscious. They also killed about 100+ hostages. Russians don`t care nearly as much about collateral damage as the rest of the world.


Edit for the wiki on it.



When Russia starts wiping them out lets hope a few from here clear off to get martyred along with their mates over there.

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When Russia starts wiping them out lets hope a few from here clear off to get martyred along with their mates over there.


Russians wiping them out will just create more terrorists, the last Russian purge didn't prevent this bombing from happening did it?

The woman bomber involved in this ones husband was wiped out by Russia according to news reports so I'm assuming this is what may have led her to carry out the bombing.

The cycle of violence goes on, problem is how do you defeat an enemy who loves death the same way as other people love living?

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You don't know the people that you directed your comments at, so you can't know if they are white, uneducated or working class, so your comment can only be described as racist. I'm sorry if you don't like it but if you choose to be racist you should expect to be pulled on it.


my comment was directed at gobfrothing rednecks, whoever and wherever they might be.

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Russians wiping them out will just create more terrorists, the last Russian purge didn't prevent this bombing from happening did it?

The woman bomber involved in this ones husband was wiped out by Russia according to news reports so I'm assuming this is what may have led her to carry out the bombing.

The cycle of violence goes on, problem is how do you defeat an enemy who loves death the same way as other people love living?


Is that a fact. Get your ticket bought and get on that flight. It seems the strategy is not to send troops to fight in wars but to set muslim against muslim across the middle east and the conflicts are drawing them in from around the world. From Turkey through Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Sudan, Yemen they can barely dig the graves fast enough to bury their brothers. All Russia needs do is increase the supply of arms to the ones not getting arms from the USA and they will do the job for themselves.

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Is that a fact. Get your ticket bought and get on that flight. It seems the strategy is not to send troops to fight in wars but to set muslim against muslim across the middle east and the conflicts are drawing them in from around the world. From Turkey through Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Sudan, Yemen they can barely dig the graves fast enough to bury their brothers. All Russia needs do is increase the supply of arms to the ones not getting arms from the USA and they will do the job for themselves.
Come on, mate, it's new year's day, and these are real people we're talking about here, not COD.


Whose strategy is this? Nobody, afaik, wants to set muslims against one another. Provided they leave us alone and don't want to turn my country/continent into one of their 'homelands' I don't really care what they do.


Maybe a bit of covert undermining to try to bring some more up to date ideas into their countries would help, but I think we really have to leave them to get on with it themselves. Just think how UK and the rest of Europe changed during the last century. We got the vote for everyone, gender rights, gay rights, standard of living increased. OK, certain imported cultures might have set us back a bit, but most of them are changing slowly but surely. I think this is why the extremists are stepping up their outrages, they can see it happening and they don't like it. Luckily at the moment the security services seem to be keeping topside of it.


They're here now and no sign of leaving again, so should all Western governments tread softly, and try to avoid alienating the ordinary 'muslim in the street'? I'm not saying lull them into a false sense of security, but keep them onside, until the change of culture is achieved.

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Come on, mate, it's new year's day, and these are real people we're talking about here, not COD.


Whose strategy is this? Nobody, afaik, wants to set muslims against one another. Provided they leave us alone and don't want to turn my country/continent into one of their 'homelands' I don't really care what they do.


Maybe a bit of covert undermining to try to bring some more up to date ideas into their countries would help, but I think we really have to leave them to get on with it themselves. Just think how UK and the rest of Europe changed during the last century. We got the vote for everyone, gender rights, gay rights, standard of living increased. OK, certain imported cultures might have set us back a bit, but most of them are changing slowly but surely. I think this is why the extremists are stepping up their outrages, they can see it happening and they don't like it. Luckily at the moment the security services seem to be keeping topside of it.


They're here now and no sign of leaving again, so should all Western governments tread softly, and try to avoid alienating the ordinary 'muslim in the street'? I'm not saying lull them into a false sense of security, but keep them onside, until the change of culture is achieved.


I post as I see it not based on what day it is or whose sensitivity I might upset. But when the UK was fighting the Germans it was no bad thing when the Russians came along and helped out with the job. It seems more countries are tiring of those terrorists within and I expect Russia to be ruthless. Those innocent muslims have nothing to fear. They have a god looking after them after all.

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Is that a fact. Get your ticket bought and get on that flight. It seems the strategy is not to send troops to fight in wars but to set muslim against muslim across the middle east and the conflicts are drawing them in from around the world. From Turkey through Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Sudan, Yemen they can barely dig the graves fast enough to bury their brothers. All Russia needs do is increase the supply of arms to the ones not getting arms from the USA and they will do the job for themselves.


Why should I get a ticket you numb nut?

I'm stating how it is but seeing as you are not interested in understanding the cycle of violence than I will not bother with the likes of you.

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Russians wiping them out will just create more terrorists, the last Russian purge didn't prevent this bombing from happening did it?

The woman bomber involved in this ones husband was wiped out by Russia according to news reports so I'm assuming this is what may have led her to carry out the bombing.

The cycle of violence goes on, problem is how do you defeat an enemy who loves death the same way as other people love living?


Stalin would have had the solution. Round them up and ship them off to the Gualag labour camps. They could die there while doing a productive days work

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Why should I get a ticket you numb nut?

I'm stating how it is but seeing as you are not interested in understanding the cycle of violence than I will not bother with the likes of you.


What do you propose as an alternative to retaliation?

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